Touched up my texturizer-interesting info from stylist re shedding


Smeller of roses
I was planning to hold out til January to get a touch up on my texturizer but I had a lot of new growth and was getting to the point where I couldn't wear my hair out anymore because the bulk at the roots made one side look funny. I needed a trim desperately too so I decided to make one visit to the stylist to get both done last weekend. I was worried about it because as we know texturizing is a tricky process, especially touching up the roots. I wear my hair curly-tex'd and I was worried about it getting too straight or overlapping.
Well, apparently there are a whole new generation of relaxers out since the days that I used to relax regularly (was natural for 5 years for those who don't know). Some of them are designed just for texturizing and will not straighten beyond a certain point. Has anyone heard of Affirm Control? That is what she used to touch up the roots and the process took a bit longer than the virgin texturizer when she just slapped in on/off my whole head really fast. It came out great and just the right degree of curl that I wanted.
She stated that this relaxer works slower and makes it easier for her to finish the whole touch up without getting things too straight. I am very satisfied with the results!
She also told me that my hair is shedding which I knew. My hair always sheds a ton -in clumps really-and did so when natural as well. Since it seems otherwise healthy I just assumed that I'm a heavy shedder since my hair is fine and not that dense anyway. She told me that I needed to use a protein conditioner because my hair was breaking from the follicle and not shedding naturally!:eek: This was the first time I heard about that possibility. I always thought that if it is falling from the follicle that that is normal shedding. Admittedly I have never used protein treatments because I was natural for so long I thought I didn't need it, and I was concentrating on using moisturizing conditioners to keep my hair from getting dry. So anyway she used a silk protein conditioner on me and my hair has barely shed a strand since. So there you have it, for excessive shedding a protein treatment might be in order even if the bulb is visible at the roots. Just thought I'd share the info!
Thanks for the update! We need all the good texturizing info we can get. Glad you're happy with your results.
Wow your hair is really gorgeous! How often do you retouch your texturizer and can you tell us how the retouch was done? Was it in sections or going strait back?
Thanks all. I am really lucky to have found a good competent stylist. I am inept at trimming my own hair and I don't even want to think about trying to apply a relaxer to myself! I am really liking the texturizer and it is so easy! I just co-wash it and let it air dry. Thanks for the link Sareca, so I guess the Control formula is a time-release relaxer, very interesting...
@DDtexlaxd: this was my first time getting a retouch on my texturizer and it was about 3 months since the first one. I probably could have gone longer without it, there was no visible difference in the new growth, but it was still a little too bulky for me and I was resorting to ponytails again. I like to be able to wear it out most of the time so rather than prolong the frustration I decided to go ahead and get a retouch now. Glad I did! She applied it to the roots just like any relaxer and it took a while to apply. I'd say about 20minutes to apply unlike the first relaxer that was brushed on really quick. At my request she combed it through to the ends just before rinsing. I wanted it just a bit looser now that it's getting longer, so it won't look so bulky. Once again I am very pleased with the results and finding that I prefer it like this more than I did natural or relaxed bone-straight. Not to mention it's a a whole lot easier for me to style than either of the former.

Forgot to add I have updated with pics:
I heard that proteins (esp. silk proteins) are good for skin care, too. They are used in some cosmetics. Hair and skin tissue are not so different.
Looks like you have a good stylist, good info. Did you catch the name of the conditioner. I also didnt think abou protien when i was completly natural and im paying for that now.