Touch up...


New Member
How many weeks are you supposed to wait to get a touch up. I am nowhere near that point yet because I just self relaxed a week and 2 days ago. I just wanted to know in advance!TIA!!!
I usually wait until I'm about 10-12 weeks post. I have fine hair, and by that point my NG is out of control. Once I stretched for 16 weeks, and to top it all off for the last few weeks I was using mega-tek... Needless to say my hair had a FIT, and I couldn't take it any longer. For me 10-12 weeks is perfect, I'm not trying to transition and my hair is already very healthy, so for my own regimen I don't see the point for a super long stretch.
I stretch for long periods of time as I only get two or three touch ups per year but I would also say don't do it sooner than every 8 weeks just to give your hair a break from the chemicals. If I ever went back to relaxing more frequently I wouldn't get touch ups sooner than every 12 weeks but after doing an eight and a half month stretch I don't think there's any turning back. The products I use now, particularly the conditioners, work so well at keeping my new growth soft and easy to comb that I don't feel the need to touch up more often now.
Well, I agree with Fabulousity on the no sooner than 8 weeks, but that is just our personal opinions.

I do not go sooner than 10 weeks, and lately I go 10-12 weeks between touch ups, which seems to work for me at my current growth rate.

My hair is sort of fine and delicate to the touch, but verrrrrrry dense.

Deciding on a time frame mostly just has to do with your growth rate and how much overlapping will take place depending on how often you relax. For instance, if you relax every 8 weeks and your hair grows .5 inches / month, yet when you relax you get relaxer on at least the first 2 inches of your roots, you overlap and relax 1 inch of hair that has already been processed. So, all your strands will be doubly processed by relaxer. The goal is to limit any (unintentional) overlapping, which means extra processing, so your hair is easier to maintain in a healthy state.

This should make choosing how often is right for you a bit easier.

I think it depends on the person. Your beauty stylist usually tells you when to come back; mine tells me 3-4 months, but that might not be the same for everyone.
If I can do it, my stretch up until Christmas will be five months. I'd would really like my next stretch to be six months which would fall quite nicely during my birthday, and then again six months later next Christmas making it twice a year. It's quite a feat, and I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to manage it, but we'll see. My new growth is very soft and easy to manage at the moment so I'm hopeful.
I am starting to stretch my relaxers. I used to do 6 weeks. My next relaxer will be 7 weeks post, so on and so forth til I can't take it anymore. I've also been using growth aides.

IMO, I wouldn't say to start out doing 20 week stretches. From what I've read previously, start out stretching your relaxers one week at a time. This also depends on your growth rate as well. I hope that I helped.
Agree with the at least 8 weeks point... I used to do mine every 12-14 weeks... Long enough to minimize the overlap, but right before the two textures started fighting too much! You will have determine what the right time frame is for you... Though, my suggestion is to wait as long as possible between touch-ups...