touch-up time!


Active Member
4 a/b ladies, I have a an inch or so of new growth (from 7-8 weeks post relaxer time) enough for you to touch-up? My hair is thick and my new growth is a million times thicker and denser...and I notice more shedding when touch-up time is near. I want to keep my ends from popping off. Also, when it is touch up time and I go to the salon, my hair seems to tangle more. What do u think?
I am at 11 weeks on Sat and will hopefully get a touch up that morning. I also had a question in reqards to rule on getting how many days do you have to wait after you have washed your hair to get a touch up? I washed my hair last nite (Thursday) and I want to get a touch up on Sat at the salon .. would that be appropriate?
I have waited 10-12 weeks before. But it is all about personal needs. Some people report shedding after 8 weeks so do what is best for your hair!
I wait on average 10-12 weeks, but I used to wait 8 weeks with no problem. My hair just seems to get healthier the longer I wait. And...I think you should wait 5-7 days after a shampoo before a touch up. Some say 3-5 days. I usually always wait 7 days.
Yip. Especially since you are noticing breakage. Of course, you can extend the time if you want, but you have to be extra careful with the two varying textures of hair.
Lengthwanted: I know personally I have a VERY sensitive scalp and lots of manipulation 2-3 days before a touch up can guarantee that I burn, no matter how much base u throw at me. But if you're the type who doesnt burn super should be ok, in regards to burning. Now for hair health...I'm not sure what the best course of action would be.