Touch up story...It's official I am a hair Nazi!


New Member
I needed a serious corrective toucp-up. I self relaxed after 15 weeks on December 18th 2005 with Mizani sensitive scalp. My hair was really really underprocessed. I had an entire section that had not been relaxed at all. At first I didn't care and I figured it wouldn't be a problem. Well as anyone who has experienced this knows it will eventually lead to breakage. So I decided to do a corrective touch up even though it's only been 7 weeks since my last touch up.

I asked my mother to do it since I am now leery of doing my own touch up and I don't trust any stylist.

I use to be the most laid back when it came to having my hair done: You want to give me a 4" trim? Go ahead it's only hair...I never cared.

Well, I have definitely changed!

My mother was like WTH is wrong with you?

I was like...Look do NOT put that relaxer anywhere near my nape and don't comb through it with that comb! Use this one! ....later on: It's been 25 minutes when will you finish smoothing this hair? Can I wash it out yet? I think it's straight enough...Lord Ma, you're gonna make me bald. Let go of my head!

I said all this in a laughing manner...sort of...ha ha. :look:

Afterwards I thanked her nicely and apologized...but I don't see how I am ever going to be able to go back to a stylist. :ohwell:

I might jump out of the chair and commit a crime if a stylist did some mess at this point. :lol:

I have two updated length pics in my Fotki...nothing special..but you can see the accurate length now that it is straight.

I have reached my first goal of shoulder is bra strap!

Firstly well done on your progress!!!! Your hair looks great.

I wouldnt worry to much about relaxer at 7 weeks, by now you a pro and I am sure you wouldnt have done it if you never had some regrowth. And it is the best to do and you are right it would have let to breakage.

As soon as I started looking after my hair I SACKED my stylist because looking back at what I know now. She would have killed my hair with her bad habits that I allowed !!!! I blame myself also for the reason it was not growing.

However I really cant relax my hair myself (Scared) So I go to a stylist. Hopefully in a few years it will be something that I do.

My new stylist must think OH NO, HERE SHE COMES!!!!!
Because I refuse to sit and let her take out bad habits on my hair. I dont go to her so that all the hard work I am doing at home is then wasted.
But now we have an understanding and she know exactly what I expect. And if she slips. You better know that I am telling her

NO_ONE is gonna care for your hair better that yourself.
Cant wait to get to my goal and show the world that I am not crazy:), then what I am doing and how I am acting will make sense.

Good luck
I know what you mean girl. I self-relaxed on the 20th of Dec. after 13 weeks. It was underprocessed. I was VERY upset. :cry3: I got on the board :fan: and picked brain after brain until I came up with a more solid procedure of touching up my hair.

I'm now about 6 weeks plus and I have about a 1/4 of newgrowth now. I'm seriously trying to wait until about 10 weeks with intense moisturizing and carefully manipulation. Like you, my hair was relaxed in certain sections and underprocessed in others. I have to give the relaxed areas a chance to grow so that I can see the new growth at least. I really want someone else to do it, but I am DETERMINED to get this self-relaxing thing down! :whip:

Thanks ladies. Sigh such a long neck and far from bra-strap but I am determined to get there! :look: