Touch Up Question


Well-Known Member
Why when you get a touch up it makes your hair look shorter than it already is?

I even read it in Shamboosie book but no expl. was given why does it do this?
The opposite happens to me. I love touchup time because that's when I see so much progress! Until I get the touchup it looks shorter, but after the touchup -- WOW!
The first picture is b4 touch up..
the second picture is after but now that i have washed my hair a few times it's longer than the first..


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The first picture is b4 touch up..
the second picture is after but now that i have washed my hair a few times it's longer than the first..

Did you do your relaxer or did a stylist do it? I ask because I just read a thread about stylists sneaking trims in on folk.....
a stylist did it but I gotta find the pictures that I took after a few wash and it's longer.
I just didn't understand...Shamboosie mentions it in his book but doesn't go into detail.

People have told you me u should do a couple of wash to find the true measurement..
Oh well I don't know maybe it just got shorter who knows..

Thanks ladies
I know what you mean... right after you relax it looks shorter and then the next wash or a few days later it seems like your hair magically grew. i have no idea why though.