Touch up or no?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys! I'm currently on meds for a skin infection and will be on them for 2 more months, oral and creme. At first they thought the infection might be in my scalp also but a second check cleared my scalp. It's normal. "whew!" I don't have to use scalp ointment like they had planned but the pills effect everything. I am heading towards wk 12 of my touch up now and normally would be scheduling that appt right now but since I'm on meds I'm worried about any adverse effects on my scalp that might cause burns, or hair loss. This med also causes extreme sun sensitivity so I know it's a possiblity. Now...I asked one professional whether I should wait or relax and he told me to be safe and wait. I'm torn...If I do wait that would put me at nearly 20 wks! I've never gone beyond 12wks! I can't find a braider I trust but I'm not really having any issue with massive shedding and really only "comb" my hair on wash days. Other than that I keep it moisturized and braided in two braids that I take down and moisturize and rebraid about every 2 days. What should I do guys? touch up or no? I don't see my skin doc for at least another 3 wks or so and I forgot to ask her if I could touch up before...Then again, I really dont know if I'd trust her answer because she's not an Ethnic hair specialist and might just say its ok because she's never had to answer a question like that...Do you think I should try to go the distance? I'm really excited because it looks like I might acutally make my goal of bra strap by Christmas! I don't wanna mess up now!
Hey Sweetie - I'll throw my .02 in - if you are not shedding or breaking, I would say wait for a minute and re-evaluate at week 15 and I would still ask my doc - she may have some knowledge in the area (you never know - she may have other clients who get perms)
I'd wait too. If you get shedding then I would lightly press the new growth and go get it braided. In my experience as long as you tell them to not braid tightly they don't.
Hey Sis, Just wait to be on the safe side. Do some strong conditioner washs with NO heat. This would be a good time to experiment with buns. Braid outs are too dry for me and I not sure of how they work for you.
I agree - wait. I even think you should wait until a week or two after the meds to relax. Give your system some time to flush the meds and recover a bit....

I wouldn't take the risk.
I am on medication a lot. I would wait, ask your doc if it's okay before you relax and make usre you drink lots of water to help flush out the meds.
thanks for the suggestion. I really want to get it cornrowed or something. So I should lightly press the roots before having them braided? Pressing near relaxed hair kinda scares me. Can I flat iron the roots instead? I'm going to call my hairstylist and ask her if she knows where I can get it braided. I kinda want the front cornrowed but individuals in the back so I can either have curly Q's or bun it or such. I might have to wait a whole month after the meds. the doc said it would be in my system for about a month!
My stylist said to wait also but she suggested pressing the new growth. What do you think? I'm not having any luck finding a braider and I'm too scared to go to these hole in the wall braidshops 3 cities over because I keep hearing braid horror stories, mistreatment, too tight braids, talking about you and such...Not to mention paying thru the nose and ending up not happy...