Top Five Beauty Secrets


Well-Known Member
Mine are

1. The Firm & Tae Bo
2. Proactive
3. Organic Root Stimulator Hair Products (For Right Now)
4. Skin Hair & Nail Vitamins & MSM (I know it is two but they are both vitamins :D )
5. Neutrogena Visibly Even

What are yours????
1. Water
2. Prenatal Vitamins
3. Sleep
4. Minding my own business (not being a smart ***, this keeps me stress free)
5. stretching (pilates)
Mine are :

1. Yoga/ Running(mood & weight management)
2. Kiehls Microdermabrasion scrub/ Olive Oil/ Shea butter(facial)
3. Body Brushing/ Sauna
4. Raw Food Diet 50-60 percent( keeps my mind clear & skin glowing)
5. Omega's 3-6
not necessarily in the right order :D

1. a good night's sleep
2. love
3. eating/healthy
4. a healthy libido
5. aerobics/jogging
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1. Laughter!!
2. Staying active (not only in the gym)
3. Henna
4. A good diet
5. Did I say LAUGHTER?!!