"Too young" for extensions/weaves?


Well-Known Member
Is there such a thing as "too young?" I'm curious about this, because I recently saw a baby, maybe 9-12 months old, with what looked like yarn braids, a bit past shoulder length. She had a tiny tuft of her baby-fine real hair sticking out in the front. I can't imagine how such delicate looking hair can hold all those braids, with beads at the ends (not to mention how the baby managed to sit still long enough to put them in). I've seen young children with braid extensions, but never a baby that young before.
WOW! I've never seen a baby with extensions. That's waaaay too young imo and I'm sure too much stress for her little head....I think I started wearing dookie braids with extensions in the 4th grade (9 years old)
IMO that is WAY too young especially because her skull is still forming. babies still have their soft spot... so why would you add extra weight to it with extensions and beads? SMH.
Wow... under 1yo??!

My aunt keeps my cousin's hair in braids and has since she was about 5 yrs old...

ETA: oh & she's gonna be turning 8 in a few months.
That's wayyy to young for some extentions. I think under 10 is too young for extentions. I see young children (2 y/o+) with extentions and it breaks my heart. Their scalps are so fragile (don't they still have a soft spot at that age), their hair is more fragile..That makes me sad.

Now, when it comes to weaves/wigs...hmm maybe 14+ Reminds me of last year when my sister allowed my 8y/o niece to get a fake ponytail put in for her Daddy/Daughter dance at school. She looked beautiful, but I was still kinda like :nono: But hey, I'm just an Auntie, not a Momma.
Okay, ew. I don't why but I've seen children with weaves on the CTA and I always say the same thing, ew. :nono:
I'm relieved that you all seem to find it as odd as I did. I do hope it isn't a trend that is gaining popularity... the potential for harm is too great.
Why does a baby need longer,thicker, whatever-er hair? It's a baby, she'll have her own hair soon enough... that is, if her mother doesn't make it all fall out. :rolleyes:
Now, I have never seen one that young, but I am seeing kids under 5 with extension braids/kinkytwists/crochet braids on the regular. Usually, the parent relaxes to make the hair more manageable. The kid's hair breaks off. Then they put in the extensions because they "make your hair grow."
Is there such a thing as "too young?" I'm curious about this, because I recently saw a baby, maybe 9-12 months old, with what looked like yarn braids, a bit past shoulder length. She had a tiny tuft of her baby-fine real hair sticking out in the front. I can't imagine how such delicate looking hair can hold all those braids, with beads at the ends (not to mention how the baby managed to sit still long enough to put them in). I've seen young children with braid extensions, but never a baby that young before.

WTH??? What is the world coming to......:nono:

Once when I was in Baltimore (no offense to any Baltimoreans lol) I saw a little girl who was about 2 years old with crochet braids. And I thought that was as bad as it could get.....
IMO, that is waaaay too young to have extensions! My brother's girlfriend put braid extensions in my niece's hair, (age 2 or 3, I can't remember) and I thought that was too young too. In her defense though, I think she did it because the baby's sister, (around age 4) cut a chunk or three out of her hair. :look: I believe she was trying to give it a more even appearance till the hair grew back out. I don't think she uses them anymore.

In a case like that I can kinda understand, (though I don't think I would do it myself) but otherwise I just don't see why a little baby would need hair extensions of any kind! :nono:
WTH??? What is the world coming to......:nono:

Once when I was in Baltimore (no offense to any Baltimoreans lol) I saw a little girl who was about 2 years old with crochet braids. And I thought that was as bad as it could get.....

I seen that just yesterday. She might of been a little younger. SMH :perplexed
Okay, ew. I don't why but I've seen children with weaves on the CTA and I always say the same thing, ew. :nono:
Where? I drive for the CTA and I don't see it that often. What routes? I'll keep my eye out lol.:drunk:

Oh and to the question......MEH! Doesn't really bother me as much as relaxers do.
I mean the trains. Sorry for not being clear.

BTW, my niece who's only 4 wears weave. It's so creepy, and she wear relaxers. Her edges and hairline are shot.