Too tight braids


Well-Known Member
I usually do my box braids myself but im very slow and that takes me about 4 days with many breaks in between. So i had a lady do it for me on Thursday for 60 bucks and she did them in 5 hours. Firstly she knows nothing about haircare. Monday night i detangled and blow dried my hair. You could run your fingers through it. Tell me why this lady takes out one of those cheap combs with a bunch of broken teeth and starts combing my hair from root to tip? she tangled up my hair so much and pulled and ripped out the tangles SHE created. If she started from the bottom up like she's supposed to my hair would be butter. She put far too much hair per braid. I usually use about three packs and i get full waist length braids. She used 6! She put so much per braid and braided so tightly that they are stiff as a board.

But anyways these bishes HURT! They are soo painful. When i do them myself i feel nothing and sleep comfortably. I was popping advil all day yesterday. My scalp is pulsating. i cant turn my head. Im having so much trouble sleeping, i tossed and turned and woke up all night long. I feel them all day long even if im not touching them. I cant have it any way but in a low ponytail because if its out it hurts too much. And she did a bad job. Instead of doing regular box braids, she kind of made the base like a cornrow. So putting it up would be difficult anyways. And she did the front too big they look stupid. Im most of all worried about damage. I've pampered this tramp for 3 years, i'll be damned if some braids trip me up. I know, i know this is all my fault and i should have stopped her. I've learned my lesson. No one has touched my head since i was 15 and started my then relaxed hair journey. I forgot the pain and frustration when other people **** up and dont know what the hell they are doing. So these thangs are coming out TONIGHT:yep:. I hope 2 days didnt cause too much damage. Im taking them all out and letting my head rest over night then im going to wine and dine this heifer all day tomorrow so she wont leave me:lol: i feel like i wasted 60 bucks but i wont put up with damage that will cost even more to correct later.

Soooo, i know you guys have plenty of screw ups caused by other people. Please share them!
I usually do my box braids myself but im very slow and that takes me about 4 days with many breaks in between. So i had a lady do it for me on Thursday for 60 bucks and she did them in 5 hours. Firstly she knows nothing about haircare. Monday night i detangled and blow dried my hair. You could run your fingers through it. Tell me why this lady takes out one of those cheap combs with a bunch of broken teeth and starts combing my hair from root to tip? she tangled up my hair so much and pulled and ripped out the tangles SHE created. If she started from the bottom up like she's supposed to my hair would be butter. She put far too much hair per braid. I usually use about three packs and i get full waist length braids. She used 6! She put so much per braid and braided so tightly that they are stiff as a board.

But anyways these bishes HURT! They are soo painful. When i do them myself i feel nothing and sleep comfortably. I was popping advil all day yesterday. My scalp is pulsating. i cant turn my head. Im having so much trouble sleeping, i tossed and turned and woke up all night long. I feel them all day long even if im not touching them. I cant have it any way but in a low ponytail because if its out it hurts too much. And she did a bad job. Instead of doing regular box braids, she kind of made the base like a cornrow. So putting it up would be difficult anyways. And she did the front too big they look stupid. Im most of all worried about damage. I've pampered this tramp for 3 years, i'll be damned if some braids trip me up. I know, i know this is all my fault and i should have stopped her. I've learned my lesson. No one has touched my head since i was 15 and started my then relaxed hair journey. I forgot the pain and frustration when other people **** up and dont know what the hell they are doing. So these thangs are coming out TONIGHT:yep:. I hope 2 days didnt cause too much damage. Im taking them all out and letting my head rest over night then im going to wine and dine this heifer all day tomorrow so she wont leave me:lol: i feel like i wasted 60 bucks but i wont put up with damage that will cost even more to correct later.

Soooo, i know you guys have plenty of screw ups caused by other people. Please share them!

I am sitting here doing some Senegalese twists for the first time. I practiced and watched how to videos last night. Back to the topic..I had that happened to me before. I went to a well known braid shop and paid $400 to be tortured! I took pain pills and I jumped in the shower to try to give me some relief, letting the water hit my scalp. Nothing worked, so later on that day, I took those mickey fickies out! I suggest you do the same. Just take each one down and rebraid. At least you have your parts and your hair is stretched out.
I have been there. I chalked it as a loss. I took those bad babies out. I was not going to endure pain and risk anything contributing to traction alopecia and permanent hair loss.

I don't mean to scare you, but it only took me one time to deal with that. I know braids can be sort of tight, but never tight enough to where you are in pain. The lady that does mine, they last, they are not tight, and I can pull mine in a ponytail that same day.
I have been there. I chalked it as a loss. I took those bad babies out. I was not going to endure pain and risk anything contributing to traction alopecia and permanent hair loss.

I don't mean to scare you, but it only took me one time to deal with that. I know braids can be sort of tight, but never tight enough to where you are in pain. The lady that does mine, they last, they are not tight, and I can pull mine in a ponytail that same day.

I know right. The fact that its too painful to put in any style even 2 days late means she did them way too tight.
Ouch, sorry to hear that :(

This is exactly why I do my own and I don't care how long they take. I usually pop in the LOTR trilogy and get going.

I agree that you should take them out. At least you only spent $60, which is a lot to some of us, but it isn't worth ruining the 3 years of hard work you put into taking care of your hair.
I need to ask this...why didn't you speak up when she: (1) whipped out that homeless-looking comb; (2) pulled and ripped through your hair; (3) used more hair than usual; (4) was braiding too tightly? Why, why, why, why, why?
I need to ask this...why didn't you speak up when she: (1) whipped out that homeless-looking comb; (2) pulled and ripped through your hair; (3) used more hair than usual; (4) was braiding too tightly? Why, why, why, why, why?

I seriously have no idea. Im so mad at myself. I took all day today to take tgem out. I only slept 4 hours last night because my head hurt too much T_T. I had pimples on my scalp too.