Too silly: "Rally Against Lacefronts"


Active Member
This invite greeted me on my FB events page today. Thought I'd share with you lovely ladies. It's funny because I've recently noticed an influx of horrible looking lacefronts being worn lately :blush:. (FYI: I don't have a problem with lacefronts, but some of these that I've seen lately are SO obvious. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the lacefront??) So far 6,559 people are attending. Here's the link, but I don't know if you'll be able to access it, so I'll also post the info:

Time Friday, July 8 at 1:00pm - July 10 at 1:00pm

Created ByEric Washington, Marvin Montgomery
More InfoThis is in a effort to support all women who do hair! The government has you fooled if you think crime, drugs, gangs, or AIDS is the #1 cause for deaths in the black community... Its tacky *** lace fronts!!! Lets all take a stand to stop this plague that is causing so much grief on the streets of our black communities around the world!!!!

This is in no way directed at women who have an uncontrollable sickness, I'm very sensitive to people and families dealing with these illnesses. This is for woman that are to lazy to get their hair done and rather take the easy way out and put this hair helmet on their heads under the assumption it makes them look good... Guess what ladies, you look terrible!

edited to add the pic they attached to the event.


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Funny how it's created by 2 guys that probably don't know jack sprat about PSing. Ignorance is alive and well.
That's funny. I think they're referring to the Cabbage Patch hairline "lace wigs". I hate those.
idt ignorance had much to do with whether or not you feel someone looks silly wearing something.

if you feel like someone looks dumb that's all there is to it. i dont see any ignorance in that.
My mama always said, "If somebody at home loves you, they won't let you leave the house looking crazy."

Not every woman with a lacefront wears it wrong, but um... a strong 98% have the weirdest looking hairlines or you can see glue, tape, or the frikkin net.

Yeah I guess we can let them go on but I don't see this being any different than when people comment on other people's choices like clothing & etc. I think it's funny that they are staging a rally & the over 6 thousand folks agree. Would I attend? No, but I still think it is funny.
That's funny. I think they're referring to the Cabbage Patch hairline "lace wigs". I hate those.

Too funny! Am I the only on that has a hard time NOT staring when I see one of these crazy hairlines? There is a lady that works in my building that wears one and when I get on the elevator with her I have to focus really hard to keep my eyes on the buttons. LOL.
i hate lacefronts with a passion, the hairline reminds me samurai warriors in old kung fu flicks. Its so funny when women just be swinging that ish like it looks hot, meanwhile everyone looking at them like wtf!?