Too much?


New Member
I get tired of some people telling me that my hair will fall out because I do it too much. I think I take care of my hair, but I just need a second opinion from my LHCF ladies. My hair is texturized (with relaxed ends), but it is very close to my natural texture, and I wear it in a twist-out style. I like my twist-out to look fresh so I re-wet my hair every other day (I don't wash it, I just wet it and put leave-in conditioner on it) and then I re-twist my hair. I then sit under a hooded dryer to let my hair dry.

Do u think that I am doing too much? Should I just do my hair once a week? Thanks for all of your advice! :)
The main concern I see in your regimen is sitting under the dryer every other day to dry your twists. Airdrying your twists may be a healthier option for your hair.