Too much of everything!


Active Member
I have a problem and a question. I've been using this forum for advise for about 6 months now. I've noticed a great difference in my hair, it's healthy and it's growing much better than before. Since I'm in the Air Force, I don't have much choice but to put my hair in a bun. Lately, my hair has been very dry and it gets really puffy when I take it out of the bun. The only way for me to prevent that is to put a lot of moisturizer and gel in my hair. I'm trying to go 6 weeks without relaxing my hair, but it doesn't look possible. My husband had to wash my hair for me because with the products that I use, they caused my pores to become clogged. I have 4b type hair, does anyone have any advise?
i think that the bun is perfect for you to grow your hair. now what i do every morning is spray my hair with a leave in until it's damp. then i add some oil (carrot, monoi. olive, whatever i like). then i put some gel on the front of my hair to smooth it down. and i think when your hair stays damp all day in the bun, then that's good. i think your hair won't be dry anymore when you do this. take care.
NAY007: What type of leave in do you believe in? I've been using Aphogee's leave in but it has a horrible smell!
My husband had to wash my hair for me because with the products that I use, they caused my pores to become clogged. I have 4b type hair, does anyone have any advise?

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Along with listing the products you are using, can you share your current hair regime?
I agree NAY, my bun/twist stays wet all day. Even though I sometimes worry about the "scrunchie" ends, I just keep it moisterized and protected and pray that it'll all pay off in the long run

I use Pantene Leave in. It's a good detangler and it moisturizes well, it smells good and it gives my hair shine. Then I usually add some kind of oil and a little bit of gel.
I use different products depending on how my hair is feeling that day. I did relax my hair last night and let me tell ya'll, there is a huge diffence!! After my husband washed my hair, my scalp was cleaner than when I wash it and overall, my hair was softer. I have extremely thick hair when it grows in. I think what happened was that everything that I put in my hair stayed in my new growth because it was soo thick! This morning my hair was 60% more managable. I tried to wait for at least 6 weeks to relax my hair, but it just was not possible. I guess I just need to build a better relationship with my hair and figure out what's best for me. I am trying everyone's advise and it is making a difference also. Am I the only person with this problem. Does anyone have to relax their hair earlier than 6 weeks?
NAY007 said:
oh yeah dsd, how can i forget that...clarifying once or twice a month will definitely help:)

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Yep, especially when we are trying to extend our relaxer and have to use more product to do so!
Hey Corbins!

I'm in the Air Force also-I joined in 2000! I love wearing my hair up everyday because it allows me to put as much oil and moisturizers in my hair as possible. The daily protective styling is a plus, and this allows me to stretch my relaxers to 15-16 weeks! I have 4a type hair, the thing that helps me the most is the oil and tying my hair everynight with a satin scarf. I hope this helps!
I definately agree that we do have an advantage! Wearing our hair in a bun is basically the norm. I wish I had the patience to wait 15 weeks before relaxing!! I can't even wait 4!! How do you keep your new growth from getting so thick?