Too much manipulation?


New Member
Hello ladies,

I have a question. I wear my hair parted into 4 braids and I take my hair down every day since I co wash every other day and moisturize every day. So I basically am rebraiding my hair every day. I'm just worried that this might be too much manipulation.:perplexed Even though I'm not using a comb I still have to run my fingers through my hair alot when i've taken the braids down to moisturize. What do you all think? Hope this makes sense:perplexed
Hi lady
For my hair it will be too much manipulation, but I don't know for your hair.
I will suggest you to do protective style which will last one week or more and to continue your regimen and to compare if you loose more hair with this method or not!
Wow!!! I think that's amazing...
I wish I could do that.
I think as long as you aren't seeing breakage
and you're not using a comb,
then you're doing an awesome job!
Its cool that you co-wash in sections too...
I co-wash & detangle w/my Jilbere & bun EVERYDAY
I know that's too much manipulation
but I do it anyway... I'm stubborn
I'm jealous
I guess my question is, if I leave it up, How can I moisturize? my ng tends to get very dry. If I leave it up the the product doesn't reach my roots?

I hope I'm making sense...:perplexed
Thats very minimum manipulation in my opinion. Sometimes when I put my hair in two braids to sleep at night, I just put the moisturizer on the entire braided end.

Your ends are more important to moisturize than your roots so you are okay. I focus on my roots when I am deep conditioning with a cap.
Hello ladies,

I have a question. I wear my hair parted into 4 braids and I take my hair down every day since I co wash every other day and moisturize every day. So I basically am rebraiding my hair every day. I'm just worried that this might be too much manipulation.:perplexed Even though I'm not using a comb I still have to run my fingers through my hair alot when i've taken the braids down to moisturize. What do you all think? Hope this makes sense:perplexed

I think as long as you are not seeing more breakage/shedding than before you started doing this then it should not be too much. It all depends on how much breakage/shedding you're used to seeing daily. May I ask why you co-wash every other day and moisturize daily? Maybe you can drop it down to co-washing only twice or three times a week to limit the amount of manipulation.

I guess my question is, if I leave it up, How can I moisturize? my ng tends to get very dry. If I leave it up the the product doesn't reach my roots

I would first suggest internally moisturizing. Drinking a lot of water helps. Flaxseed Oil and Evening Primrose Oil has completely turned my new growth around...I feel like it grows "oiled", if that makes any sense. I really suggest this. That way, you really don't have to do any extra work to moisturize it externally.

If you're not a supplement person, then you can find a moisturizer that is thin enough to put in a spray bottle so that in between your co-washing days, you can still reach your roots by spraying them. If the moisturizer you have isn't thin enough, dilute it with some water. I use NTM Silk Touch and dilute it with Fermodyl 619, but find what works for you.

I don't think that it's too much manipulation at all...I means as long as you mostly use your fingers, I see no prob.
I think as long as you are not seeing more breakage/shedding than before you started doing this then it should not be too much. It all depends on how much breakage/shedding you're used to seeing daily. May I ask why you co-wash every other day and moisturize daily? Maybe you can drop it down to co-washing only twice or three times a week to limit the amount of manipulation.

I'm deployed and the area I'm in is very hot and dry. Everything gets stripped of moisture here if you're outside more than 2 minutes. So it's a constant battle to keep my hair moisturized. I would never co-wash so much at home but here, I have little choice.

I would first suggest internally moisturizing. Drinking a lot of water helps. Flaxseed Oil and Evening Primrose Oil has completely turned my new growth around...I feel like it grows "oiled", if that makes any sense. I really suggest this. That way, you really don't have to do any extra work to moisturize it externally.

I drink water here like there's no tommorow. Again weather here demands that you drink as much water as possible just to stay hydrated. So I don't think the water is helping because evryone here loses it so fast.

If you're not a supplement person, then you can find a moisturizer that is thin enough to put in a spray bottle so that in between your co-washing days, you can still reach your roots by spraying them. If the moisturizer you have isn't thin enough, dilute it with some water. I use NTM Silk Touch and dilute it with Fermodyl 619, but find what works for you.


I'll give the spray bottle a try. Thanks!