Too much hair down the drain during the relaxer process. Please help.


My last relaxer, I don't know what happened but when I was rinsing out my relaxer...I had so much hair come out. Prior to that relaxer I had a regular amount of shed hair and prior to that, I don't really quite remember. I think it was off and on...a lot of hair then a normal amount. Here is my relaxer process

I base my scalp basically right before my relaxer with petroleum jelly. I put oils on my ends.

I relax my hair for about 10-20 minutes.

I rinse my hair with warm water.

I apply Aphogee & Affirm Reconstuctor mixed into my hair for 3-5 minutes.

I rinse out the A&A mix with my neutralizing shampoo. (This is where the hair falls out.)

I rinse it out the shampoo probably 1x or 2x depending on how well the shampoo lathered up and then I leave the shampoo on my hair for about 10 minutes.

After rinsing out shampoo I go on to deep condition and style..

What am I doing wrong? Why am I losing so much hair?

Now I don't see too much lost in length but more so in volume. My hair is thin but I don't know if its due to fine strands or my hair density. I'd say after my relaxer to about 4 weeks post usually my hair is pretty...fine..

I must say my last relaxer I lost a lot of volume. I reached APL (grazing it) but my hair has lost a substantial amount of body after relaxing it about 8 week ago..

Please help.
The same thing happened to me with my last relaxer. That was the final straw to convince me that I once again must give up relaxing. I hope someone can help you.
What relaxer are u using? Affirm? What strength? Why do you mix the aphogee and the affirm together? How long do you wait between relaxers?
I think sometimes if your hair is not in the best possible state before relaxing, some hair loss might occur. I just relaxed on Monday using Vitale Life and body and my hair loss was minimal. And I say minimal I mean from washing out the relaxer to styling and it was mostly shed hair. I was impressed because I usually lose a lot more. the week prior to relaxing, I usually do a heavy duty protein treatment and keep my hair moisturized.

I'm happy you did the mid-step protein treatment but like Montegobaybaby, I'm curious as to why you mixed the affirm and aphogee. I would have used one of them. What is your regimen and how long do you stretch your relaxers?
I swear the same thing happened to me the last time I relaxed! I really thought well, I 'm just imagining it, this is not that much hair. My hair seems much thinner. Your regimen was on point. Just get rid of one of the reconstructors. The next time I relax, I will be on top of this to see whats going on.
Had you done a protein treatment the week before your relaxer? If not, then I believe you should have. It would have made your hair optimally stronger against the effects of your relaxer. You process is great, but it was most likely the condition of your hair prior to relaxing.

Sorry this happened do you.
Sorry this is happening to you. are you using a lye relaxer? This used to happen to me alot when i used lye... i just cant tolerate how harsh lye can be on my scalp :sad:
Had you done a protein treatment the week before your relaxer? If not, then I believe you should have. It would have made your hair optimally stronger against the effects of your relaxer. You process is great, but it was most likely the condition of your hair prior to relaxing.

Sorry this happened do you.

I'm thinking this was my problem. I did just a mild protein treatment when in the past without fail I would do the aphoghee hard core. That's definitely what I'm using from now on.
When was the last time you combed your hair before relaxing? Do you comb daily or only when you shampoo? I only comb my hair when shampooing once or twice a week in the shower. I use Keracare detangling shampoo. When looking at the hair in my wide tooth comb it could seem that Im losing a lot of hair, but when I consider the fact that we shed about 100 strands daily, when you add up 5 days or 7 days that would be 500 or 700 strands. Seems like a lot but not really plus it could seem like more the longer your hair grows. Also try cutting back your relaxer time to 10 mins.
My prior relaxers I would use either Aphogee or Affirm but one relaxer I got great results from mixing both. My hair felt 'thicker'.

I use Silk Elements Regular Lye
I stretch my hair from 8-10 weeks. More 10 than anything..

I detangle my hair with every wash. I wash my hair from 4-6x times a week depending on my workout regimen for that week.

I don't do hardcore protein treatments because I do a light protein treatment every week with Aphogee 2 min..

My last relaxer I did henna the week before if it means anything....

I would also think due to my regimen my hair is in good shape.

I shampoo 1x/week (
Cowash 3-4x/week
1x deepcondition with a moisturizing conditioner a week following my light protein treatment.
Use leavins
Always air dry
I moisturize and seal 2x a day
I sleep with satin cap

I detangle every wash day because I experience a lot of breakage with wash-n-go's from tangles and knots.

I experience minimal breakage with my current hair regimen but if someone sees I need some tweaking...please chime in!!

I'm thinking maybe I should switch to mild now..cause I don't know. I also am scared to do the Aphogee hardcore treatment after hearing so many people with that something I should look into and how can I avoid a setback with it?
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I do the egg protein treatment once a week. However, the last wash a week before a relaxer I break down and do the Aphogee 2-step. I find I need that hard protein right before I break my hair down with a relaxer.
If you had a low manipulation regimen, then a lot of hair is normal to see. the 3-4 weeks before i touch up, i only comb my hair 1x every 2 weeks or so, and i do see a bit more hair than usual in the sink.

otherwise, you may have needed more protein. i recommend a hardcore aphogee protein treatment (or nexxus emergencee) to everyone the week before relaxing. a simple protein conditioner may not be enough, especially if you've got fine hair.

but don't sweat it. just bump up your normal protein intake, and your hair will be fine eventually :)
There have been other LHCF'ers who suffered from shedding with the Silk Elements may want to try mild the next time you relax.

I would wait 2-3 weeks if you are using Henna as it could cause protein overload even though henna is not protein...
Okay well I will try the 2step process and I'll update you ladies of my progress. I'm just scared of a protein overload but my regimen is pretty moisture-based I'd say. Wish me luck!! Thanks again ya'll!