Too many washes bad for ur hair????


My 13yr old Men
ok so I co-washed and DC on saturday, well on Monday we went to a parade here in Guam from 830am until 200pm and it was hot, tropical weather. I don't like being out in the heat and the salty air that much but my hubby and my twin 5yr old boys wanted to go and I cant say no to them:nono:. Anyway by the time we left my clothes were sticking to me and my hair was wet with sweat and I felt nasty. I just wanted a shower well it made no sense to clean my body and not my hair as well so I shampooed, conditioned and then DC and I feel clean but was that too close to my last wash. Could I have done more harm than good?
no, you didnt shampoo saturday right?

i cowash biggie. there is a DC challenge that i am in (on hiatus cause of the twists) where we DC a min of 2x a week. girl you are fine. lol

just dont shampoo everyday!
No way! There are some ladies here who wash every day. It's just up to the individual. I usually do once a week, but in the US I did every four days.
I don't think thats it's bad or hair , you must see if your hair " loves" it , for me sometimes I co wash every three or two day , IMO shampoo mustn't be used more than once a week .
Cecilie .
There are some days when I'm doing wash n go's that I wash everyday. But I don't try to make it a habit. Eventually my hair will get a little dry but I make sure I step my conditioner game up or start co-washing instead. That was only 2 washes so you should be fine. Normally I would say try co-washing next time, but if my hair was sweating from being in the sun all day, I would want to use shampoo too!
Thank you all. My DH was teasing me saying I am going to go to bed and wake up bald. Gosh u got to love em dont ya? Trying being in a house of all boys and being teased like a kid everyday! Thank God for you all!
CO-washing everyday is actually great for your hair, if you also keep it moisturized.
Many women have found increased growth with daily washing, just lay off the shampoo...
CO-washing everyday is actually great for your hair, if you also keep it moisturized.
Many women have found increased growth with daily washing, just lay off the shampoo...

Its ok. I co wash every day. My hair loves it. My hair has thickened up. Less shedding and breakage.
During this heat wave I find my hair "asking" for shampoo washes more often. Some weeks i'll use diluted shampoo 3X. Most days I co-wash or w/o rinse.
I've never experienced over moisturization. Again if my hair needs it I will DC every other day until it feels the way I want it to. If it gets too soft a protein based DC will fix that. HTH
I'm a relaxed head and I tried co-washing for a few weeks. My hair dosen't like that.:nono: I started to notice little pieces of breakage. No more co-washing for me.
I used to wash and blowdry almost daily and my hair was very healthy then with very little breakage and no splits. I've just gotten lazy.
I have natural hair and I co-wash every single day. I just don't shampoo every day. When my hair was relaxed I couldn't co-wash or my hair would fall out. Everyone is different though.