Tonex on the Yolanda Adams morning show


Well-Known Member
Did anyone listen to the Yolanda Adams morning show this morning? Tonex was on there talking about his record thats coming out in August. Apparently, he's reconciled with his record company. I only got to hear a snipet of it. Did anyone hear the entire interview?
I didn't hear the interview, but I lost a LOT of respect for Tonex when I saw an interview done with him last year (saw it on youtube) where he said he was glad that he was dropped from his label. He said he wanted to make secular music (he said he never claimed he was a Christian artist--he said people should have paid attention to the underground music he'd been putting out since his first album) and that he was embarrassed to see his videos played back to back with other Christian artists who didn't have the "right look" (i.e. too fat).

I also didn't like the song he put out (on his myspace page) where he used every curse word under the sun (ex. "f**k those ni***s who called me gay").

I should go find that interview on youtube (if it's still there).

ETA: Here's the two part interview
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I heard about that interview. In fact, I think there was a long thread on here about it. I searched youtube earlier today thinking that there might be something pertaining to today's interview. Apparently, he has a two part show coming out. BET will air the first part, but for whatever reason they pulled the plug on part two. Instead, I came across an older video of his response to Media Take Out and he did indeed blurt out a few curse words. I've always found him to be quite talented...maybe a little ahead of his time. The few minutes of the interview I did here he sounded like he gotten himself together and I was wondering if maybe he addressed anything that went on in the past.
I hope he has pulled himself together. But he seriously damaged his witness (and provided a bad witness of Christ) with some of the things he said and did last year. I think it's too soon for him to try to come back and be a "Christian/gospel" artist (if that's what he's trying to do).

You have to hear what he said in that interview I posted to understand what I mean.

ETA: Here's the song "Naked Truth" that got him dropped from Verity in the first place
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