Tommorrow is the day I BC!!! Any Advice?


Well-Known Member
So with summer coming up and me being tired of dealing with this afro under my pony tail i decided to go for the BC tommorrow. I am so nervous!!!

I've always been the one with the "pretty" hair among my family and friends. even if my hair wasn't the longest i always got compliments on how beautiful and healthy my hair looked. Even though to the public it seemed like i had healthy hair i knew my hair was damaged something terrible, that it what made me decide to transition. i'm not sure if i'll like how i look with short hair. as a matter of fact i've never had hair that didn't touch my shoulders. that is what really makes me nervous.

So now that i have about two inches of newgrowth i'm ready to cut the relaxed ends off. Does anyone have any advice on how I should cut it and products that i can use on my newly all natural hair? My hair type is 4a/b

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I really don't have any advice because I'm transitioning without a BC but I'm sure some of the ladies will chime in. I just want to give an early congrats on your BC.
i say cut it after you have washed, or cowashed. i would do it with conditioner or something that will allow you to decipher both textures.
i say cut it after you have washed, or cowashed. i would do it with conditioner or something that will allow you to decipher both textures.

Thanks for the advice

I really don't have any advice because I'm transitioning without a BC but I'm sure some of the ladies will chime in. I just want to give an early congrats on your BC.


I know there are others that have great advice for a BC. Anyone else care to share?
My advice is to have fun! :grin:

I transitioned for 14 weeks and then did a BC. :rolleyes: You will look great!
i say cut it after you have washed, or cowashed. i would do it with conditioner or something that will allow you to decipher both textures.

put lots of cheapie conditioner in your hair so ur natural hair will really curl up and part straight across in small sections

good luck
If your going to a salon your stylist should cut it into a nice shape. This way you would be able to wear it out and not have to worry about it. I transitioned for 15 months and my stylist followed my natural layers. Right now it looks like a textured bob (see avatar).
If your going to a salon your stylist should cut it into a nice shape. This way you would be able to wear it out and not have to worry about it. I transitioned for 15 months and my stylist followed my natural layers. Right now it looks like a textured bob (see avatar).

I'm having my mom do it:ohwell: that's why i'm a tad bit nervous. I don't trust the salon to cut only the relaxed ends off and I don't want my hair shorter than it needs to be
If you are going to the salon, take a headband or a scarf and some nice earrings.

You WILL look pretty with short hair, keep that in mind and you'll do fine.

Don't expect to instantly like it either...give it a few days. (I didn't like my hair until after a month.) I kinda had that "Whatever/Blah feeling"

Stock up on cute accessories. Stalk BC fotkis. Stay encouraged. Join a TWA grow out challenge. Experiment with homemade products.

Take lots and lots of pictures. Hide your scissors, give your hair time to grow a bit before determining that you "still have relaxed ends" as that may not really be the case.

I set myself back 2 inches b/c I kept cutting off the relaxed ends...the ones that kept growing back lol. :rolleyes:

I agree with using conditioner to cut. Products to try: V05 conditioner, gylcerin & water mix, shealoe (haven't used it yet but I will soon), Aloe, homemade butters, EVOO Oil, Coconut oil. Aloe is good for curl definition. Shea butter. TiGi Catwalk Curls Rock Amplifier. IC Gel is still good. SCurl spray (I dilute mine with water) works great. Denman brush.

Coconut milk and Lime treatment.

Happy Hair Growing!
I can't wait to see those BC pix!!
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@ work so I don't have time 2 read the entire thread - however, if no one has said it, TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES and make sure you post them as soon as you get home. :grin::yep:
im still transitioning so i dont really have any tips/advice on bc.
but i did want to congratulate u on ur decision to b.c:yep:
So with summer coming up and me being tired of dealing with this afro under my pony tail i decided to go for the BC tommorrow. I am so nervous!!!

I've always been the one with the "pretty" hair among my family and friends. even if my hair wasn't the longest i always got compliments on how beautiful and healthy my hair looked. Even though to the public it seemed like i had healthy hair i knew my hair was damaged something terrible, that it what made me decide to transition. i'm not sure if i'll like how i look with short hair. as a matter of fact i've never had hair that didn't touch my shoulders. that is what really makes me nervous.

So now that i have about two inches of newgrowth i'm ready to cut the relaxed ends off. Does anyone have any advice on how I should cut it and products that i can use on my newly all natural hair? My hair type is 4a/b


:blush: OMG! Im excited for you
Alright ya'll I got really nervous about having a non-professional cut my hair so I decided to have my friend who is a stylist do it. I called her today and left a message so if I don't hear from her by Sunday I'll just do it myself!!!!

Sorry for making you guys wait for the pics!!!
I say, BELIEVE that you are beautiful despite your hair length. It WILL carry through to how you look.:grin:

Get very pretty earings, and accessories!

As far a products, I am not sure. I would like to know also. I plan to do BC very soon!:drunk:

OWN IT! Judging by your avatar, you already have great style!:grin:
So with summer coming up and me being tired of dealing with this afro under my pony tail i decided to go for the BC tommorrow. I am so nervous!!!

I've always been the one with the "pretty" hair among my family and friends. even if my hair wasn't the longest i always got compliments on how beautiful and healthy my hair looked. Even though to the public it seemed like i had healthy hair i knew my hair was damaged something terrible, that it what made me decide to transition. i'm not sure if i'll like how i look with short hair. as a matter of fact i've never had hair that didn't touch my shoulders. that is what really makes me nervous.

So now that i have about two inches of newgrowth i'm ready to cut the relaxed ends off. Does anyone have any advice on how I should cut it and products that i can use on my newly all natural hair? My hair type is 4a/b


For the cut, I'd have your mom start from the back, and where she sees the new-growth and relaxer meet, just section it and cut it. To see what your curls will look like, you can probably spray it with a little water and use a little conditioner to see how your curls will look. I cut my hair and a couple of my friends hair when they did the big chop, and they were so happy they did it. Of course you'll be a little nervous, but I think most of us that did the BC were nervous, myself included.