Today's Church Humor (Kind of Long)


Well-Known Member
Ok Ladies:

I have been to Service, Sunday School and now I am back home. Sigh..

So as we were passing the peace after "Pastoral Prayer/Alter Call" After hugging everyone I that I possibly could as I was walking to hug someone, I noticed this super fine guy checking me out. after catching his gaze for 2 seconds (1-1000, 2-1000) I quickly shifted my eyes somewhere else.

This brother is a visitor and sitting 2 pews behind me. I know the woman that he is stting next to. I assume it is his mother (it is).

So when church is over. We all move into the side aisle. I am heading to Sunday School. I knew dude was about 5 people behind me. I turned around and looked back (WHY ????) he was looking dead in my face. LOL!:lachen: So I cooly turned my head back around with a smirk as I was turning it. While saying in my head "oh dear".

I dropped my stuff off in my Sunday school room and headed to the ladies room. Dude is at the elevator (across from the ladies room). He did not see me. When I go in the bathroom, his Mom is in there and we chit chat a bit. We come out together and she goes, "That's my son" , "OK" (in my head) I am standing next to her and these 2 old ladies come and shake his hand. He is like God bless you. "Church Jargon" in my head I am saying , "Is he serious or just saying that?" He then says, " I really enjoyed myself." The ladies, "Well make sure you come back" Him - "I will" Then he shakes my had and says, " ..." I really don't know what he said because he smiled and his grill was jacked up! I saw either something black or a space. (Music comes to a complete stop and the record scratches) In my head I made a sound like someone had kicked me in the stomach. My only response was "Nice"

I can't believe I said that. :ohwell: LOL!. Then I just turned around and walked away. :lachen:Then one of the ladies who shook his hand (who I know VERY well) leaned over and said in my ear. He is handsome. I responded I know.....

In my head, his grill hurt my feeings.

So that's what happened to me today. LOL!
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Ok- Were they at least clean? You know the teeth he did have. Hygiene says a lot too. Cause if everything else is on point, I agree with others. He can get that fixed:look: I'm jus sayin':sekret:.
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Ok- Were they at least clean? You know the teeth he did have. Hygiene says a lot too. Cause if everything else is on point, I agree with others. He can get that fixed:look: I'm jus sayin':sekret:.

ROTFL. I really could not tell as I am 5'2". He has to be at least 6'1"? I had heels on and I got a 135 degree angle view. LOL! I hope that was a shadow.

Look yall! All I said was the guy was super foine. LOL! ... and he was visiting. Nice shirt and pants, with a nice belt, no gut. :drunk::drunk: LOL! You know what? I did not check his shoes out. :lachen::lachen:
:lol::lol: this thread is funny! I thought the guy sitting next to me today was cute......until I looked down and he had on loafers with no socks on :nono: Lord Jesus save this generation:ohwell: