To wet or not to wet, that's the question

I retain most growth --

  • When I wet or rinse my hair everyday.

    Votes: 14 22.2%
  • When I wet or rinse my hair 2 or 3 times per week.

    Votes: 32 50.8%
  • When I wet or rinse my hair once a week.

    Votes: 9 14.3%
  • When I wet or rinse my hair every 2 weeks, (or whenever I wash if every 2 or more wks)

    Votes: 8 12.7%

  • Total voters


New Member
Ladies, please weigh in.

My hair is newly relaxed after over 3 years natural. It is very thick, fine strands, 4B, and about 2 inches past shoulder length.

As a natural I wore protective styles (twists, braids and braid extensions) a lot, and that was the way I retained a lot of thickness and some length.

Now, I want to get to brastrap and maintain.

I plan to wear my hair for two months, put braid extensions in for two months, wear my hair for two months, extensions for two... etc etc. That has basically been my routine for some time.

I know that when I wear my hair, I'll be putting it into protective styles because two days ago, after the relaxer, when I wore it out it kept getting caught in my backpack and coat - not good.

But my question is, for maximum growth retention, when I wear my hair, should I get it wet everyday or not? My hair loves water - always has - relaxed or natural. But I know some people have had problems with breakage when they get their hair wet a lot.

So what do you think?
Please respond to the poll, and post to answer:
Do you retain most growth when you wet your hair often? How often?
And if you do wet your hair a lot:
Do you use the baggie, bun (or other) technique during the day?
What do you do to your hair at night?

Thanks much
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I can't get my hair wet everyday and then manipulate it into a style. When i am in braids i do wet them w/ my spritz everyday though.

But since u said ur hair loves water---i would say try seeing if it does well when u wet it everyday--if not--cut back.
ebonylocs said:
Ladies, please weigh in.

My hair is newly relaxed after over 3 years natural. It is very thick, fine strands, 4B, and about 2 inches past shoulder length.

As a natural I wore protective styles (twists, braids and braid extensions) a lot, and that was the way I retained a lot of thickness and some length.

Now, I want to get to brastrap and maintain.

I plan to wear my hair for two months, put braid extensions in for two months, wear my hair for two months, extensions for two... etc etc. That has basically been my routine for some time.

I know that when I wear my hair, I'll be putting it into protective styles because two days ago, after the relaxer, when I wore it out it kept getting caught in my backpack and coat - not good.

But my question is, for maximum growth retention, when I wear my hair, should I get it wet everyday or not? My hair loves water - always has - relaxed or natural. But I know some people have had problems with breakage when they get their hair wet a lot.

So what do you think?
Please respond to the poll, and post to answer:
Do you retain most growth when you wet your hair often? How often?
And if you do wet your hair a lot:
Do you use the baggie, bun (or other) technique during the day?
What do you do to your hair at night?

Thanks much
The reason why some people have problems with breakage when they wet their hair a lot is because too much moisture is just as bad as too much protein. I don't wet my hair everyday (although I do moisturize everyday) but I do wash and deep condition twice a week. On wash days, at least one of my products has some form of protein in it so I make sure I'm getting the needed balance for my hair. I have retained more length this way than any other. So my advice to you is that if wetting your hair on a daily basis works and doesn't cause you any problems, do it. However, make sure you use some form of protein (not everyday) so that too much moisture doesn't become a problem later.

When I was a freshman at Emory, I took a swimming class to sastisfy a PE requirement twice a week, so I made sure to wash my hair twice a week as well. I know my hair began to thrive and I was able to retain more of the added length (until my stupid beautician cut it off after a touchup). Since I've gone back to washing my hair twice a week, even though I'm not swimming, my hair has never been this healthy. I cannot wait to do my touchup on Monday because I have crazy new growth.

I bun a lot now. I take it down to comb and moisturize and let it hang for a little while, then I stick it back up in the bun. I always sleep in a bun. I also sleep on a satin pillowcase.
Thanks for replying ladies.

ayoung1981: Yes, like you, I usually spritz my hair daily when it's in braid extensions as well. This makes my hair very moisturized when I take the extensions out, and makes the removal easier.

navsegda how do you handle your hair after your biweekly wash and condition? Do you rollerset or blowdry ? Or just detangle, do your bun, and keep stepping?
ebonylocs said:
Ladies, please weigh in.

My hair is newly relaxed after over 3 years natural. It is very thick, fine strands, 4B, and about 2 inches past shoulder length.

As a natural I wore protective styles (twists, braids and braid extensions) a lot, and that was the way I retained a lot of thickness and some length.

Now, I want to get to brastrap and maintain.

I plan to wear my hair for two months, put braid extensions in for two months, wear my hair for two months, extensions for two... etc etc. That has basically been my routine for some time.

I know that when I wear my hair, I'll be putting it into protective styles because two days ago, after the relaxer, when I wore it out it kept getting caught in my backpack and coat - not good.

But my question is, for maximum growth retention, when I wear my hair, should I get it wet everyday or not? My hair loves water - always has - relaxed or natural. But I know some people have had problems with breakage when they get their hair wet a lot.

So what do you think? I think my hair is growing faster due to the 2x weekly washings and deep conditions, along with my vitamins.
Do you retain most growth when you wet your hair often? I think since my ends are always baggied 24/7 and they're never dry. I am able to keep all the growth that I obtain.
And if you do wet your hair a lot:
Do you use the baggie, bun (or other) technique during the day? I moisturize my hair and then lightly pull my hair back in a ponytail, then I apply surge 14 to the length of my hair, then I apply profective healthy ends or mango butter on the entire length of my ponytail, and seal with kemi oyl, and then I put a baggie over my ponytail and put a bun covering over the baggie and then I put a scrunchie around the bun covering or sometimes I put other cute accessories on around my bun covering.
What do you do to your hair at night? At night I remoisturize my hair and apply a little more mango butter or profective healthy ends, then seal rebaggie and put my silk scarf on my head...and call it a night.
I wet my hair everyday except Friday. I spent a thousand years trying to avoid water and humidity and then discovered in November 2005 that water (and humidity) is my hair's best friend. Not everyone can do it, but I can and it has worked splendidly for me.

I CO wash a couple times a week (using both a light protein-rich and moisturizing conditioner), but, at the very least, I rinse my hair each evening and then seal with a bit of oil (like hemp or monoi) or a cream (water-based, like MHC buttery soy creme or QB Sidr Tree butter balm) followed by a bit of butter (coffee or shea or avocado).

[This week, though, I melted my Nature's Blessings hair pomade down, poured it into an eight ounce jar, added four ounces of hemp seed oil to it and let it re-solidify. I used it the last two nights to seal and my hair came out not just soft and moisturized, but the cuticle is so smooth, it feels like silk.]

However, I digress: Since going to wetting my hair practically every night (then putting it in a ponytail, braiding, satin scarfing it overnight; it goes in a bun in the morning) I have retained all of my length over the last year and counting...
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ebonylocs said:
navsegda how do you handle your hair after your biweekly wash and condition? Do you rollerset or blowdry ? Or just detangle, do your bun, and keep stepping?
I blow dry (on low heat, but mostly the cold shot button because I hate the way heat feels on my scalp) and then flat iron with my Solia. Before I blow dry, I use JOICO K-Pak Reconstruct Leave-In Protectant and Nexxus Heat Protexx, along with the Garnier Sleek and Shine Anti-Frizz Serum. Before I flat iron, I use CHI Silk Infusion. Then I keep on stepping. :)
I voted 3X/week because that's how often I stand under the shower and wet it. But, my hair get some kind of liquid put on it everyday. I think the most important thing w/ frequently wet hair is keeping the amount of manipulation low.
adw425 said:
I wet my hair everyday except Friday. I spent a thousand years trying to avoid water and humidity and then discovered in November 2005 that water is my hair's best friend. Not everyone can do it, but I can and it has worked splendidly for me.

I CO wash a couple times a week (using both a light protein-rich and moisturizing conditioner), but, at the very least, I rinse my hair each evening and then seal with a bit of oil (like hemp or monoi) or a cream (water-based, like MHC buttery soy creme or QB Sidr Tree butter balm) followed by a bit of butter (coffee or shea or avocado).

[This week, though, I melted my Nature's Blessings hair pomade down, poured it into an eight ounce jar, added four ounces of hemp seed oil to it and let it re-solidify. I used it the last two nights to seal and my hair came out not just soft and moisturized, but the cuticle is so smooth, it feels like silk.]

However, I digress: since going to wetting my hair practically every night (then putting it in a ponytail, braiding, satin scarfing it overnight) I retained all of my length over the last year and counting...

I was scared as all hell to get my hair wet also...IDK why I thought water was not my friend, when in fact my hair loves water..All them years I did not want to wash my hair because I did not want to mess up the hair style or because I could not get it back straight like my stylist had it so I did not wash my hair until I went back to her...imagine I can relax,wash,and style my hair, all by my dammy....and make it look good....imagine that:)
sareca said:
I voted 3X/week because that's how often I stand under the shower and wet it. But, my hair get some kind of liquid put on it everyday. I think the most important thing w/ frequently wet hair is keeping the amount of manipulation low.

Your hair is looking good. I get you and nice & wavy hair mixed up. I have to look at the avatar to be sure. You know she's your hair twin right?:p
tsmith said:
I was scared as all hell to get my hair wet also...IDK why I thought water was not my friend, when in fact my hair loves water
I know the feeling of being scared because there are so many misconceptions that we've been taught about washing our hair often as black women. Even when I was swimming, I was a little nervous to begin washing my hair twice a week but I did it anyway with no ill effects because I know that if I had let that chlorine sit in my hair (even with a swim cap, some water still gets on the hair), the chlorine would have made my hair break off and fall out like it has done to so many black women who swim and then don't wash out that chlorine afterwards. Before then, I had always been told that if you are black and frequently wash your hair, it will fall out (especially if you are relaxed). I found out that it was the opposite.
I wash my hair two or three times a week. I lightly mist it with water and then add a little hemp seed oil on days that I don't wash. The misting barely makes my hair damp, but it enhances me curls.

I wear my hair in a bun most of the time to retain length and to keep it out of my way.
I always liked water, and would wet my hair when I felt like it, even though people would say silly things like "water would make it rot." :confused:

I think one problem with relaxed hair, is I don't know if I can get it to look good after wetting it.
Especially since I shun the blow dryer like a deadly weapon (don't even own one... yet?):D
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I find that if I wet my hair too much, it will break off. I've alternated between a cream-based daily moisturizer and liquid, water-based moisturizer. I find that if I use the liquid kind, I have to spray it on lightly or I get breakage. I think I'm going to stick to cream-based moisturizers from now on.

Also, I cowash once per week and shampoo/DC once per week. Basically, I'm wetting my hair every 3-4 days.
tsmith said:
Your hair is looking good. I get you and nice & wavy hair mixed up. I have to look at the avatar to be sure. You know she's your hair twin right?:p

Aww, I'm flattered that you think so. :rosebud: She has beautiful super healthy looking hair, but I think her's is natural. Mine came out of a box. :wink2:
I either do a wash and go everyday or do a wash & roller set and leave it for 2-3 days. So I'm washing between 3-7 times a week. When I wash & roller set, I deep condition with protein and moisture each time before roller setting.

Do you retain most growth when you wet your hair often? How often?
I believe I do. When I do wash & goes daily for a few weeks my hair has noticeably retained length the next time I dry it straight/roller set.

And if you do wet your hair a lot:
Do you use the baggie, bun (or other) technique during the day?
I don't baggie or bun or do a protective style during the day. On days that I do a wash and go, I try to sit under an ionic dryer for 10-15 minutes so it dries a little before I leave home (though sometimes I just go out with wet hair). When I roller set, I just finger comb and wear it out.

What do you do to your hair at night?
I put it in a bun and put on a satin bonnet. I may add a little shea butter (if it is roller set and I want to keep the style) or heavier oils/leave-ins if I know I'm going to wash the next day.
Do you retain most growth when you wet your hair often? How often?
When I wash my hair every 2 weeks or even longer. My hair is fine and doesn't like to be manipulated and stretched when wet. With it being fine, my hair tends to looks greasy and dirty after just one week though.

Do you use the baggie, bun (or other) technique during the day?
I'm wearing a bun every day at the moment. Bootcamp... :ohwell:

What do you do to your hair at night?
Put sweet almond oil on the length, twist it in a bun at the top of my head, cover with a plastic bag, and put on a satin bonnet. :sleep:
I wash my hair every 7 days now it use to be every 4 days :perplexed
My life so busy along with 3 boys/husband no sittin in one spot :eek: never will work in my household.On the Week days are the best days for me tha when my husband work/kids school i have the whole day to myself.I get in the shower wash my hair,take my time with my hair like a million dollar gold piece.:lol:
This NEWYEARS i wanna do something diff but havent fingure it out yets :look:
sareca said:
Aww, I'm flattered that you think so. :rosebud: She has beautiful super healthy looking hair, but I think her's is natural. Mine came out of a box. :wink2:
I'm with tsmith,
I think your hair is or no box, it looks good! ;)
I retain the most growth when I shampoo and deep condition once every 5-7 days.

When I first started doing mega stretches, I would CO wash every 2-3 days, and my hair (particularly my new growth) seemed to appreciate it. I stopped doing it as stretching became easier and CO washing for manageable new growth was no longer necessary. Besides that, my hair is thick and takes forever to dry completely so I'm glad I'm not stuck with CO washes as my only option for keeping pliable hair.

I sleep with my entire head in a baggie 1-2 times each week. This does WONDERS at moisturizing my hair!
I know that people tend to say the opposite....But when I stopped doing the wet n' go, wet n' curl or wash n' wear, whatever it is.....I stopped getting split ends and I definetly had less breakage. Now when I do do the wash n' wear or wet it in any type of way...I saturate in castor oil afterwards. I love the results.
Thanks to all the ladies who replied.

After 40 votes, it seems like there is no consensus, but a bare majority (21) of you think that 2 or 3 times a week works best.

It also appears that some of you have success wetting everyday, wetting once a week, or wetting whenever wash day comes round. Again it's proven: one size doesn't fit all.

I think I'll try 2 days a week to begin with: 1 co-wash and 1 wash and deep condition. In between I'll probably *very lightly* spritz my hair to style it in a bun for the day, and before baggying at night.

Just wanted to add: today I did a wash and go by accident. I had to rinse my hair this morning because it was stinky from fresh relaxer and alma oil and was affecting my sinuses really badly. So I put the wet hair in a roll with a few hair pins, but by the time I got to college it was falling down and looked like a mess. So I took out the pins, and voila! - big hair and several compliments today.:D It was slightly frizzy, but not bad for an accident. Some time I'll do it on purpose, and I'll use a serum or something for smoothness and gloss.
ebonylocs said:

So what do you think?
Please respond to the poll, and post to answer:
Do you retain most growth when you wet your hair often? How often?
And if you do wet your hair a lot:
Do you use the baggie, bun (or other) technique during the day?
What do you do to your hair at night?

Thanks much

My hair loves water, as long as it has ample time to dry afterwards. The Baggie Method left me with limp ends that snapped off just trying to remove the darn baggie. I can do moisture, but there has to be a dry spell in between.

Depending on which day it is, I may apply MTG, clip/band my hair into place, cover with a scarf and skull cap and call it a night. When I was wearing my hair out I was wetting it/conditioner washing just about everyday, but now that I'm doing protective styles, I may wash every 3 or 4 weeks, depending on how long I keep the twists in.
Do you retain most growth when you wet your hair often? Yes How often? I wet my hair 3-4 times a week now.
And if you do wet your hair a lot:
Do you use the baggie, bun (or other) technique during the day?
I only LOOSELY baggie every night now. Sometimes I baggie and bun during the day, but I've gotten to the point where I'd rather wear my own hair in a simple ball than use a fake bun. I've never liked fake hair on me.
What do you do to your hair at night?
I moisturize with water (every other night) and seal with either Kemi Oyl or Africa's Best Herbal oil, baggie using only a bag and ONE hair scrunchie, and tie down with a 100% silk scarf.

Usually, I like to keep it simple, but I have discovered that my hair responds much better to co-washes/rinses more often than not. Even though I comb my hair every time it's wet (3-4 times a week), I'm getting much less breakage than when I only washed once a week and my scalp doesn't itch as much either.

Moisture is my hair's best friend! I just make sure I use a conditioner with protein in it like Garneir Fructis Length and Strength, or Sunsilk Hydra TLC Mlti-symptom Mask, so my hair doesn't get too much moisture and not enough protein.

I actually have 3 different textures in my head right now. I have relaxed hair, texlaxed hair (about 4 inches) and newgrowth (about 1 inch) and I'm 6 weeks post. I've never had such a small amount of breakage (even with completely relaxed hair) until now.
My hair LOVES water :yep: ...I went back to my daily co-wash <just this week since it's been so nice outside> not sure how long that's gonna last being as tho it's suppose to be in the 30's tomorrow and the 20's on thursday :eek: I'm not tryna catch pneumonia going outside with a wet head :perplexed decisions decisions..... :look: :rolleyes:
I voted 2-3x per week since I wash my hair twice a week. In between washes I wet my hair and scalp with my water spray bottle, moisturize with ORS moisturizing lotion and seal with an oil.

This seems to promote growth for me.
My hair was so dry before I learned to wet my hair with plain old water. I seal usually with QP Mango butter or LIV, but the water is vital. I wet almost daily. Lately I rinse and light condition at night bun it up and in the morning I loosen my hair rub some oil on it and french roll or clamp it. I rarely have breakage. I can't believe how fast my hair is growing. I will hit APL before July at this rate.
EbonyHairedPrincess said:
My hair was so dry before I learned to wet my hair with plain old water. I seal usually with QP Mango butter or LIV, but the water is vital. I wet almost daily. Lately I rinse and light condition at night bun it up and in the morning I loosen my hair rub some oil on it and french roll or clamp it. I rarely have breakage. I can't believe how fast my hair is growing. I will hit APL before July at this rate.

:yay: I see your loving that quick & easy french roll too! The BSS here can't keep enough cute french roll combs for me. We've got almost the same practice.;) Co-signing on MEGA GROWTH
My hair loves frequent washing. I have been washing it weekly since I have been wearing more protective styles. I think freqent washing is good to rid your hair of product buildup. I am natural so being relaxed is a different story.
navsegda said:
I blow dry (on low heat, but mostly the cold shot button because I hate the way heat feels on my scalp) and then flat iron with my Solia. Before I blow dry, I use JOICO K-Pak Reconstruct Leave-In Protectant and Nexxus Heat Protexx, along with the Garnier Sleek and Shine Anti-Frizz Serum. Before I flat iron, I use CHI Silk Infusion. Then I keep on stepping. :)
Ok so just so I understand you use a blowdryer twice a week, with heat protectors (of course) and you are midback length? I guess there is hope for heat.