To trim or not to trim??


New Member
Hey Ladies,

So last year I had a huge setback. My hair was close to APL and then my stylists said I needed a trim and she cut it to a blunt NL bob. I've grown it out ever since and I'm a little past SL. I just ended a 3 month stretch and got it relaxed at the salon today and she told me I needed a trim. 2 weeks ago she said I needed 1.5 inches cut off (mind you she didn't touch it or anything... she estimated by just looking at it).

I have been trying to dust my ends on my own. If I see splits I will trim them with my hair scissors. Also the last time I cut my hair was in January. I took down a rollerset one roller at a time and trimmed the hair in each section. Yes I know my hair isn't perfectly even by doing this but its ensures I get all my ends. As of right now when I look at my hair I see no splits, no dead tips... NOTHING. Maybe I may find one or two raggedy ends but thats it.

Do you think I should proceed with this 1.5 inch trim and cut my progress off or do you think I should just continue on my regular dusting schedule?
Well if you trust your stylist, I'd say go ahead BUT for stylists a trim usually means evening the hemline of your hair. If you don't specify beforehand they may cut your hair even with the shortest part of it, so let her know exactly what you want beforehand.
Only you know if your hair was that damaged and really needed to be cut from APL to NL. If you feel the previous trim was justified and you trust her to only cut what you want her to then go for it, but if not - Find someone new!