To trim or not to trim????


New Member
So i took my hair down today from a bun Ive been sporting all week and am noticing some length. Now Ive always for some reason believed that you need to trim to achieve growth. Now I dont know how true that is because I have never been able to get past a certain length with my regular trims! So my questions are who trims/who doesnt/have you noticed a difference if you do or dont???
You do not need to trim to achieve length. If your ends are healthy there is no need to trim them. If they are damage, then I think you should trim. For example, if you have split ends and do not trim it off, the hair can keep splitting towards the root which would result in more damaged hair.

Personally I trim at least twice a year. I don't really have a trimming schedule. I don't like thin ends. Once my end start looking see through, I trim.
Thanks...I think once I relax..if I relax..then I will see what things look like I suppose. I would hate to lose the length that Ive gained just because Ive always been taught to trim. I used to be so bad that I would have the stylist trim with every relaxer, which was like every month!! Craziness....Never again!!! Glad I found the forums!!
Just checked out your fotki...I really like the pony with the curls!:grin:

I say you should trim if your ends are split and damaged. If they are just uneven then its no big deal especially if you are wearing protective styles (like the ones in your fotki) like buns, curly updos, etc. You can always even it up once you reach a goal.
The common myth that trimming will make your ends grow has always been ridicolous to me. Thats that bologna that hairstylist tell you say can cut your hair,Common sense will tell you hair grows from the scalp. And ends are prone to split because thats the oldest part of your hair. So its important to keep them moisturized and get it trimmed once in awhile. I know you we have a tendency to want to hold on to the length. But its best to nip it in the bud early on because you will just have to trim more off later.