To trim or not to trim...

To trim or not to trim?

  • Just cut it girl!

    Votes: 6 100.0%
  • Hang on to the length for dear life!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
Ladies I have a quandry. I have a section of hair that's damaged and slightly shorter than the other side. Should I go ahead and trim this section now (the trim will be about a half to three quarters of and inch) or hang onto it until I gain more length using protien treatments to preserve the thin section.

Has anyone done a deep trim (half inch or more) to rid themselves of damage? How do you feel about that decision now?

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Girl, just do a cut so that you can start fresh and in a better place. Good luck to you no matter what you do :)
I didn't know you had a poll too. I will just coy and paste what I said in your other thread.

I'm the type of person who goes hard or go home. Trimming little by little would frustrate me, because I HATE not seeing progress. And it would hurt my feelings to see some progress only to HAVE to snip it away.:( It would hurt my heart.

Then again, I am also the type of person ( I am so lame btw) who can't sleep at night knowing I got some damage and KNOWING I have scissors in the same house and in a matter of seconds it can be taken care of.:lol:

I was faced with this SAME issue a few weeks ago, and I snipped off about 4 inches and got it over with. Sometimes I wish I would have let it grow out and babied the area, but I (didn't I tell you I am lame :look: ) just can't give advice here, knowing I have a section of damaged hair. In a weird way, I would feel like a hypocrite. And if someone mentioned people who hold onto damaged ends, I would always feel like they were talking about me.:lol:

Anyways, obviously it is your choice and none of what I said above has anything to do with you, I was just rambling:lol: . It seems like it is very hard to let go of the length, so if I were you I would give it a chance to step it's game up by the end of the summer and if it didn't, I would let it go.

So with that being said, I voted, just get it over with.
I agree with Locksofluv. Why prolong the agony??? At one point a while back, one side of my hair was about 2 inches longer than the other side. At first I was trying to hold on, but I just got sick of seeing the progress on the longer side, knowing that the shorter one would take forever to catch up. Anyway, I clipped off those extra 2 inches and felt sooo much better afterwards. It felt like a burden had been lifted. After that, I appreciated my progress much more because I knew I could keep it.