To trim or not to trim-that is the question?


New Member
I am eager to grow my hair to at least shoulder length for the first time in my life.At the current moment i am at ear length.
I have heard all this business of trimming every 2 months,but is it necessary at the beginning of growing your hair out.
After all my hair is probably less than a year old,and especially if i wear protective styles and only do roller-sets.I was planning to trim roughly every 10 months until it reaches my shoulders.
What do you guys think?
I usually trim on an as needed basis. I've waited as long as ten months and my hair is okay. As long as your ends are not raggedy, see thru, or split, I don't see a problem with holding off on trims.
Do your ends look like they're in good condition? Me, personally I trim to maintain thickness and to keep my hair even(I love the blunt look). I'm also currently in the process of gradually trimming off overprocessed ends from my "hairdressers know best" days:lol:
I think trimming as necessary is the best way to go! I just did a trim this past weekend and since them, my hair has been snagging less and there are FAR fewer hair pieces in the bathroom...

I wonder how much more length I would've retained if I hadn't of been holding on to the raggedy ends? Right now my hair is the longest it's ever been, even with the trim so it can only get better from here. :look:
Personally, I trim my hair as needed, so Id say about every 3-4 months or so. But ever since Ive laid off direct heat, I havent really had to as much.
Before LHCF I would trim every 6 weeks:look: and get no where I would probaby have .5 in of ng and get .5 trims where did it get me:confused: thats right no where but healthy ends at the moment. Now I think its only neccesary if the ends are damaged and split. If its is repairable put timw into caring and babying the ends. I also learned to dust in between trims so that when its time to trim there is that much to trim off. I had my last tim in October and dont plan to trim again until April or May if needed but will check ends and dust every 6 weeks or so
i never trim and don't plan on doing so until i reach my goal. light dusting perhaps but i find that keeping my hair in two two-strand twists, clipped up and well moisturized works very well. my ends are never dry, brittle, or split, eliminating the need for trimming. i have also been heat free sinc i joined at the begininning of september which has helped tremendously! hth :)
i usually don't trim. i did not for the past 16months and got my first trim a month ago. i cut 2" (really much needed) and got them back already:grin: but the hair falls way better than when i was holding on to my thin ends. the ends would always kind of tangle cause they were thin each time i had twists. i used to like it cause it would cause my twists to never unravel:lol: so i did the twists then cut all the thin parts directly on the twists. i m aware that the day i press for the first time ( i think around july or august 2007), the hair will be unequal/not same length everywhere but i will trim again when i reach my goal this summer. i dont want to even nothing right now. it was hard to part with 2 inches but now the hair is thick all over, i did not like the august pix in my sig cause i felt the ends were thinning so i had to cut.

Thank God it all regrew thick. I would advise u to just trim on a needed basis. i was able to hold off trimming for 16 months and i m surprised i only needed to trim 2" but if u do low manipulation and baby the ends i really think the baggy method and the grease on my ends help me minimize split and straggly ends. i dont like see-through ends. i think i ll do just one more trim when i reach my goal to kinda even a bit but i dont like blunt cuts but more when u see the ends and it falls naturally not too much of a v but like straight weaves when they have different layers:D
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