To Trim or not to Trim Help


New Member
Ok I am kinda new here but I have one questions has any of you ladies grew your hair out long without trimming, dusting, cutting,or anything? I have heard some highly recommend trimming every so often and I have also heard that it is not necessary. So if anyone just lets their hair grow and not trim what do you do to keep it healthiest as possible. Thanks in advance for any advice or opinions.
Maybe too much info, but I got this off a website...
You can also "dust the ends" I would recommend it because it makes your hair look much healthier and it seems to actually stimulate growth don't ask me why its weird.:perplexed

All growing hair splits because the inside of each hair, called the cortex, loses moisture and the hair begins to unravel rather like a rope. The only cure for split ends is to have them cut off, or the split will travel up the hair and make the damage worse. Not only do split ends look unsightly, but where the hair splits the natural color looks lighter and dead. Many ladies with long hair are terrified of going to the hairdressers to have the split ends trimmed off because they believe that they'll actually lose a lot more hair than they bargained (and rightly so!). Researchers have discovered that occasional 1/2" trims stimulate hair growth at the roots causing steadier hair growth. Those who wish to trim their hair need to make sure they use sharp hair trimming scissors since trimming the hair with dull scissors will cause more split ends to occur. Semi-regular trims are essential for great-looking hair. Medium length hair 8 weeks and long hair needs to be trimmed every 10 weeks. Another way to eliminate split ends is to "cut them out" rather than even trims. It helps to get a friend or family member to help you try this at home.
1. Take a small strand of hair, about half an inch in diameter. The hair should be dry.
2. Twist the strand gently until the damaged ends appear. These may be apparent along the whole length of the strand.
3. Holding a pair of sharp scissors perpendicular to the strand, snip off the split ends and damaged parts, using only the tips of the scissors.
4. Continue to move down the strand in small sections, following this method. You are not trimming length, merely split ends.
5. Go all round the head in this way. It will take between 10 and 45 minutes. Cut off only the damaged ends, nothing else.
I plan on not cutting, trimming or dusting until I reach at least BSL! I truly don't believe that trimming the ends will make it grow, just results in shorter hair. Of course if it's really damaged then it needs to be trimmed in order for your hair to look healthy, but is not needed for your hair to grow long.
I need to trim my hair b/c it starts to look scraggly. There are some women on here that haven't trimmed in months and their ends look thick and healthy. I think it depends how comfortable you are in the way your hair looks and feel.
If you ends don't look unsightly and you like the way your hair feels and looks don't trim....BUT...if your hair has split ends, you need to trim because the split will travel up the length of the hair further damaging the hair. So your killing any progress you make. HTH