To those whose newgrowth BLENDS WELL with processed hair...


Well-Known Member
What do you do to your hair to make sure you see your new-growth. Assuming that the new-growth blends in pretty well, how do you distinguish?

For my next relaxer, I was thinking of not only coating my hair with cholesterol, but also using some water-based leave-in so that I can see exactly where my new growth is.

What do ya'll do?
I waited 6 months until my next touch up. or I would wet my hair and let it airdry with no product to see exactly how much new growth i had.
That's my problem right now I can't tell the difference really in the front. The back I can tell...front it another My plan was just to retouch the bottom 1" all
I'm going to lightly spritz w/water the day before and make sure my scalp doesn't get wet. A stylist recommended this to a friend and it caused no problems while she was processed. Conditioner doesn't help me distiguish clearly enough.