To Those Who Trim Their Own Hair...


Well-Known Member
Please help me :look:!
I'm transitioning (currently nearly 23 weeks post) and want to trim some relaxed ends off later on this month when I flat iron my hair for my first progress comparison shot.
Now, I've never trimmed my own hair and I don't trust any hairdresser/friend or family member to do it either :ohwell:.

How do you self trimmers trim your hair evenly. Do you do it on wet hair or dry hair?
I don't want to be left with lopsided hair!
Thanx in advance.
I do it on wet hair. It's honestly not that hard. All i do is i divide my hair into two sections down the middle and take one section and drag my fingers tightly down to where i want to cut then cut it. Then do the same with the other section eyeballing it so that i cut it about where the other section was cut. It's always quite nice! Don't fret trimming your hair is so easy once you learn how to do it, you won't know how to stop :drunk:
Please help me :look:!
I'm transitioning (currently nearly 23 weeks post) and want to trim some relaxed ends off later on this month when I flat iron my hair for my first progress comparison shot.
Now, I've never trimmed my own hair and I don't trust any hairdresser/friend or family member to do it either :ohwell:.

How do you self trimmers trim your hair evenly. Do you do it on wet hair or dry hair?
I don't want to be left with lopsided hair!
Thanx in advance.

I'm with you. My hair need to be trimmed bad but I'm a bit chicken
Please help me :look:!
I'm transitioning (currently nearly 23 weeks post) and want to trim some relaxed ends off later on this month when I flat iron my hair for my first progress comparison shot.
Now, I've never trimmed my own hair and I don't trust any hairdresser/friend or family member to do it either :ohwell:.

How do you self trimmers trim your hair evenly. Do you do it on wet hair or dry hair?
I don't want to be left with lopsided hair!
Thanx in advance.

I do it on dry hair , that way you can see it better, especially at all natural stage, I dont know if it matters with relaxed ends or not. I do it in four sections , two in the front and two in the back. I pull the two in the front straight down towards my shoulder ,then cut, then pull it foward and cut. the back sections I pull straight down my back till I have the ends clasped together in my hands, and hold it and bring it forward and cut, so that its still being cut as though it was stretched down my back, then I might bring it a little to the side and hold the ends clasped with my fingers and cut, kinda ends up a U shape in the end

but this does work to get all the ends. If you can understand how I described what I do LOL

hard to write it out without showing it
I, too, only trim/dust my hair when it is dry because it's easier to see what needs to go. I have recently moved to the method that Morenita uses, which is only dusting splits when I see them. Prior to that I would make sections and go through my hair.
I would recomment low heat flat iron the hair first then trim on dry hair. Because wet hair stretches when wet, the hair is longer when it's wet than when it's dry. So when you cut it wet you are actually cutting more than what you intended. I made that mistake once and wondered why my hair was shorter than I had intended. I read that you should trim at a T angle. Here is an article on how to trim your own hair:

I hope this helps. I don't agree with trimming every 8 weeks, I find that once or twice a year is fine for me. I currently have a tangling end problem due to several factors which will lead me to trim soon. I too am leary of hairdressers and family members. Good Luck!