to those of u who have dry ends (kind of long)


New Member
my new years resolution this year was to have healthy hair. so i have been taking care of my hair faithfully since january and getting great tips from this board, but my ends were so dry. i could never get them under control. my hair is very pourous anyway and i was able to get my hair moisturized by trying different products with everyone's help.

i mainly wanted to say ithat so many stylist kept trying to cut my hair because of my ends. i have to thank supergirl for this because she is the one that told me there is a big difference form split damaged ends and dry frizzy ends. so i would never let any stylist cut my hair(because of course they don't know the definition of trim). so i tried so many moisturizers and oils, but nothing ever worked. then finally tried carol's daughter honey mismosa and my ends are so moisturized. it like i have new ends. they look totally different. anyway i just wanted to let u ladies know if u were having the same issue. i'm really happy that i have this board to help me because i knew my ends weren't damaged and they were really just dry. i just went to another stylist friday and she also wanted to cut my hair. so i'm glad i listned to u ladies. thanks.
AtlantaTiffany ~ I'm glad you found a product that works for you. I'm always happy to learn of new ways to keep my ends moisturized. What does Carol's Daughter's Honey Mimosa smell like? Since I'm on the May PJ Challenge I can't buy any, but I can live vicariously until June.
nyambura, the honey mismosa has alot of different ingrediants but it mostly smells like rose and lavendar with a little honey.

dolce dawn, yes i am trying to find a stylist. so far i haven't had any luck. it's really hard to find someone that promotes growth. even if a stylist wants to cut my hair they never tell u how to keep your hair from being so dry. i have 2 more stylist to try out.
u can buy carols daughter online but if u go to the website u can find what stores sell the products in your area. yeah the products are very moisturizing and aren't heavy.
You hair is pretty :-). I am going to try this product, thanks.

Also, I saw you are searching for a stylist--have you tried the Dominican shop in Atlanta...Lilly's? I've been there a number of times (don't live in Atlanta, or I'd go there all the time), and they're pretty good.
maybe i will try lily's i was kind of unsure, because excessive heat from blow drying does not mix with my hair. thanks sherry, i am trying to reach your goal. i love your hair.