To the ladies that cowash their hair daily


Ms. Nobody
how do you dry your hair?

I am addicted to cowashing right now and I hate walking around with wet hair. i've been sitting under the hooded dryer to dry my hair but it doesnt seem like this is practical for everyday especially since i do not always have access to my hooded dryer.

Is there a way to dry the hair faster without heat or do i need to get a diffuser?
i co wash daily, though my hair is shorter than yours. i dry my hair in a micro fiber towel for 10 minutes and then walk out the door with damp hair, its hot now so my hair dries fast.

then again when my hair was WL i co washed often and did the same thing. it just took longer for it to dry.
I cowash whenever I can mostly 2x weekly and I normally seperate my hair into 4or6 big plait. I squeeze out any excess water, moisterise oil leave for twenty odd mins then style for work however if I have a day off I will just airdry after.
I squeeze out the water, brush it out with olive oil or coconut oil and put it in a bun. I leave the house with my hair damp. It's pretty hot now so it dries pretty quickly, however at the end of the day the inside of my hair is still pretty damp.
I let mine air dry loose for a while, until maybe 60-70% dry, then put it in a bun. It's still damp the next day, but I just let it loose briefly again, then put it back up when it's pretty much dry.

This heat causes it to dry fast...but I often just tie the front down with my scarf and go to bed with it mostly damp, as much of my CW'ing occurs in the evening/at night when I'm home and not going out. Not sure what else you can do besides air-dry that is more practical than using a diffuser or hooded dryer, yet not damaging. I CW every few days, not daily. I just squeeze as much water out as possible, coat with a regular conditioner I'm leaving in, then M&S. That gets it for me.
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When I used to wear it out/down curly I used to diffuse it especially in the cooler/cold months.
@chebaby when did you cut your hair? Also what product do you use to style your hair?
i cut it about a month ago. right now im just co washing and leaving the conditioner in. right now the conditioner is silk dreams destination hydration.
before that i was using ohm sweet hair pudding which i really like but its discontinued so im holding on to it for dear life. i also like coco curls styling cream but mine must have went bad because its giving off a fishy smell:perplexed
My hair has a lot of body once it's dry, but it's fine and doesn't take more than a several hours to dry usually.

Before getting out the shower I'll wring my hair until it stops dripping (for the most part.) From there I'll bun it so I can get dress, put on make up, etc.

Prior adding product I'll wring it out again. At this point it's damp without drips. After I apply my products, I'll wring once more with a t shirt/towel. It doesn't drip, but it's still damp. It takes a few hours to dry indoors, about an hour outside in the summer weather.
I'm actually thinking about doing this. I'm relaxed and I could actually blow dry my hair everyday. It only takes about 5 minutes on high to dry that way and I lose maybe like 15- 20 hairs... It's a thought....Thanks for the thread op :)
I co-wash 3-4x a week (although not every week, just whenever I want my moisture up quickly and efficiently) and I can dry my hair in under an hour now by squeezing with my hands first, using a towel as a turban and then the cool blast on my diffuser for a few mins. Just don't put it up in a bun because that takes almost 24hrs to dry...
I've been cowashing daily after my morning runs. Co wash/detangle in shower, leave a bit of condish in (the Organix Moroccan Argan mask) then blot with a microfiber towel. Let it hang while I get dressed etc. Another quick squeeze with the towel. Then add leave ins - Aphogee Keratin spray first, then leave in of choice (lately As I Am leave in), seal with coconut oil. Gel to edges, smooth it into a ponytail (with wide tooth comb and lightly with denman brush). I use a bobby pin to tuck the ends of my pony under, because I think I was getting breakage from bunning the typical way. Anywho. Roughly mid day my hair is 80% dry. During lunch I'll take it out the bun and add my shea butter mix I keep at my desk and let it hang for about thirty minutes so the center can get dry (I notice breakage in the center when I let my hair stay damp all day). By the time I get home my hair is dry.

That was long lol but I was trying to be detailed. On days when I have a presentation or meeting during the morning, I'll lightly blowdry after applying products, without the comb attachment, just smoothing with my hands. It's usually fully dry by the time I get to my meeting or whatever. My fine hair just can't take being damp all day.