To the bunners out there....


Active Member
LHC has not steered me wrong yet. Yall taught me about certain vitamins, shampoo, conditioners, JBCO, and heat reduction,, and I'm seeing progress. Now I'm wondering about bunning. I'm sold on its capacity to retain my length,, but I'm only neck length at th nape and 7-9 in the crown. I'm having a hard time bunning. I don't wanna use phony pony's or nothing like that. My question is how about a comb to tuck the ends under,, smooth the edges with a scarf and JBCO. Should I expect some breakage from the comb?


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I didn't use combs to hold my hair until it was past my shoulders. If that seems like a good idea to you, I encourage you to go for it with just one caveat: any tool/technique will be a hazard to your hair if not executed properly. I'd say it depends on the comb. When hair is too short to bun, I'd say your idea to tuck the ends is spot on. My personal experience with tucking is using bobby pins. For some people, they're blamed for breakage. My bobby pins always had an intact coating or were made of plastic and I was careful putting them in/taking them out, so I experienced no ill effects.
HTH! :-)
I bun with hairzings. I rarely use ponytail holders. As long as your ends are hidden and the combs don't care breakage, you should be good. Btw, the combs on hairzings are coated wire loops, so they are seamless and don't cause much friction.
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when my hair was neck length..I pretty much braided and tucked it under and did that until I was able to fully loose bun my hair.
Why do you have a picture of a razor? Is that part of your hair care regime too :look:

Sent from my lavish iPhone
I just posted this elsewhere..... Here's my bun contribution! I always bun on dry hair --- healthier for my strands. Using a cut up stocking drenched in conditioner is safe. You can secure with good days hair pins.
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I would not use those kind of combs. I stopped using them years ago because the cheap construction of them created seams between the teeth...which acted like razors to my fine hair. I would use spin pins (they come in a small size if you look for them) to fold your hair down, or look for some quality wooden or tortoise shell combs to use; they are better for your hair and prettier as well. Something like this should work combs found on Amazon :yep: