To the Board

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Some of our poor mothers didn't know how to take care of our hair back then. We are blessed with much more knowledge from easily accessible web pages and message boards such as this one to help achieve hair growth and health through extensive research by some who share this wonderful information. I can honestly say, after my hair had been damaged and if it wasn't for the internet, I would still be in the dark doing all the wrong things. Until recently, I had no idea the difference between a Protein, Moisturizing, Instant Conditioner and etc was. When I would go to the hair salon, when she would put deep conditioner on my hair, I thought hey that will do the trick, but I never understood the underlying benefits. I also thought brushing the hair would help it grow. I would brush all the time, hoping and wishing for my hair to grow thicker and long, it only fell out. I thought I was sick with something!

Additionally, I never knew what the heck a biotin, msm, evening primrose, L-cystaine and etc vitamins could do for hear growth until I stumbled upon pages like the longhairforum. We happen to be a small population of women that's quite knowledge regarding products and hair rather than relying on advertisement to sell us a dream of making our hair grow. There's many females out there still in the dark because they haven't found such wonderful sites.

All in all, I want to thank everyone for all your support and wonderful advice. Without you, I'd still have damaged, hair unmanageable hair.
I have to agree, we are all able to achieve our dream without relying on adverts, which are not true. Thank you very much.
We also have the advantage of real life experiences and pictures of the "Ladies" who have gone on before us in their quest for long, beautiful hair. Never let anyone tell you that it isn't possible!! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
I am with you on this one....I came to the internet almost 1 1/2 years ago with breaking and shedding hair. I didn't know what was wrong. I never had a problem with my hair before. I always had long thick hair. I learned that all the stuff I was doing to my hair over the years, along with major stress...including stressing over my hair were all the wrong things. Everything I tried either made it worse or didn't do anything. I learned how to care for my hair all over again. I made the decision to go give my hair a break. It worked...but I also realized it wasn't just the relaxing that was the problem...but the kind of relaxer and products and haircare....the whole big picture was the problem. I am so grateful for the advice and friendship I've found here.
how true your words are. I try my best to share as much as i can with the board and with others outside of this board. when i used to ask some women about their hair care routines they would become defensive and secretive.
only sharing bits and pieces of info. as if they were scared that once i knew their secrets my hair would out grow theirs. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif

Today a telephone repair woman came to my home to fix my jacks in the basement. she commented on my locs and i told her that i will be cutting them in december. she went on to tell me how nice they looked and even told me that she was wearing a wig. she was thinking about locing her hair. we talked for almost an 1/2hr about hair. i showed her all the vits that i am taking and gave her the address to

thats what sisters are supposed to do help one another and thats what the sisters here have done for me. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
madison, that was so sweet of you to share your vitamin knowledge with that lady. she probably had no clue about its relation to hair growth. yes we should definately all stick together
I completely agree. This board has been such a wealth of information for me. There is so much here that I've learn't, be it about product recs, vitamins, ANYthing really.

I can definitely say my current stock of hair products is mainly comprised of great recs from this board. I feel like I have that close girlfriend in a way to chat with if I want some advice about my hair and the advice works.

Seeing pics of others is inspirational and the familiarity of the 'faces' here makes it feel personal.

Its so nice to finally find a truly reliable source of advice that proves we can achieve and maintain great hair health.

There aren't enough books to contain all the joy I've found on these boards. It has taught me to turn the bottle over and look at the ingredients, and figure out if the product is what I need. My regime has done a 180-degree turn since I have become more informed, with the help of you ladies!

In light of the initial post in this topic, perhaps we've been a bit too hard on the women around us who don't have access to this information or don't know where to look for it. Sure, there are babies running around with broken damaged hair, but isn't the parent horrified to see their child's hair break? And to whom does the parent turn?, the same "experts" who perscribed damaging products in the first place? The jealous ones are women who have low self-esteem; they can't understand why, after all their "hair care" their hair is falling out.

My point is, let's try to not jump to offense when we see these images, and instead lift these sisters up to where we are. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
"There aren't enough books to contain all the joy I've found on these boards. It has taught me to turn the bottle over and look at the ingredients, and figure out if the product is what I need. My regime has done a 180-degree turn since I have become more informed, with the help of you ladies!"- <font color="red">HoneyVibe</font color>

'Sniff, sniff. Someone please pass the Kleenex.' HoneyVibe honestly, right now tears are welling up in my eyes reading your post and the other threads. I LOVE IT HERE! What would I do and where would I go w/o the comraderie of all you guys? I remember when the boards were down due to Beverly transitioning to this new forum, and I had a fit and a half! It was like a crack head needing a hit to calm me /images/graemlins/shocked.gif. The withdrawal period of not being on the website until it got back-up shocked me /images/graemlins/shocked.gif. I couldn't wait for this forum to get back up and running! Needless to say, I ditto all the other posters and I'm proud to say that this is definately my second home /images/graemlins/grin.gif.

Isn't this just special?!!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif I love it here as well. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Madison, that was sweet of you to help that lady out like that? Did you give her the link to this board also.

Iris, I know exactly what you mean about this board being down when the swicth over was taking place. i didn't know what to do with myself. I kept thinking that this board was never going to show up again.

It has been a blessing and a god send. I don't even want to think about how my hair would be if I never found this board. Probably with some jacked up hair using a no-lye relaxer every 2 weeks or something stupid like that. My hair obsession is getting so bad I had a dream my relaxed hair was waist length last night and I was so upset when I woke up and it wasn't. LMAO @ me /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/tongue.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
My hair obsession is getting so bad I had a dream my relaxed hair was waist length last night and I was so upset when I woke up and it wasn't. LMAO @ me

[/ QUOTE ]

Girl, I had to laugh at that one because I had a dream like that the other night!!!!! I had a similar reaction!! OH MY GOD!!!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Ditto to all tha posts here! im so blessed to have found this board, so grateful even honored. I just love the wealth of info and hope i too will soon be educated enough to give sensible and right answers /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/confused.gif (did that all come out right) /images/graemlins/grin.gif NO hairdresser has EVER told me anything ive learnt on this board - id never have even guessed about vitamins and essential oils. as far as was concerned the only oil there was-was vegetable oil for cooking /images/graemlins/crazy.gif

my hubby has even commented on how much healthier my hair looks and i mean in the few weeks ive been here.(cant wait to post a better pic, say... feb after baby comes)

lets keep on keeping on sistahs /images/graemlins/wink.gif

Be blessed

i agree with you! after all that i learnt about hair on these boards, i am actually mad at all hairdressers for not educating us (or making the effort) all these years! guess they are worried about their pockets, how silly! its good not to have to rely on them each week for healthy hair, except 4 times a year for touch-ups. good riddance!
I agree with all of the other posts. You guys have meant the world to me and have been a wealth of information. I don't understand why hairdressers don't share some of this information. I can't believe that none of them are aware of the important role that certain vitamins play in hair care. I am almost angry that the most important information I received was for free on these boards. It just doesn't make sense!! What are these licensed professionals taught? Or have they just been keeping us in the dark so that we keep coming back!!

Well, enough of my chatter.....Once again .....THANK ALL OF YOU LADIES from the BOTTOM OF MY HEART for all of the information I received from all of you. You guys are priceless!!!! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
~~sniff sniff~~ awww, you guys have made me teary eyed. This' so nice!!!

Like I said in my initial post, thank you thank you thank. You ladies had to see my hair about 4 weeks ago, and to see it now, WOW, 360 degree turn and its all due to you ladies /images/graemlins/smile.gif
You guys are gonna make me cry! /images/graemlins/crazy.gif
I agree with you all. The information shared here is so valueable.
I second everything that you guys have said!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif My hair is the healthiest that it's ever been since grad school. I am so happy that I found this board before I removed my braids this summer because I would have gone right back to jacked up, broke down looking hair in no time flat. I went to a wedding recently, and a relative told me that she couldn't stop staring at my hair because it looked so healthy. Another relative asked whether this hair was really mine ( so how bad did it look before?! /images/graemlins/grin.gif).

There is NO WAY that I would have achieved any of this without you ladies on this board, and you guys make it possible for me to continue striving. This board has been so invaluable towards steering me away from the wrong things and towards the right things - the right care, products, etc. Much love to all of you, and let's keep sharing the wealth!! I know I will. : /images/graemlins/cool.gif
ditto for me!! before i the hair boards discovered me, /images/graemlins/grin.gif my hair stayed the same length for more than ten years. now less than three years later, it's longer than it has ever been in my life. it's all because of the sharing and willingness to help that i've enjoyed from all my sistahs!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Diva, i gave her the address. she was so shocked at all the info i gave her , i guess no other sister broke it down to her about our hair care. she was writing down everyting i told her.

i went to the hair supply store yesterday to buy my s curl moisturizer and i heard two females saying why is she buying that jerri curl juice and she has locs. you know i had to turn around and "educate" them /images/graemlins/grin.gif about the benifits of using "jerri curl juice" /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Oh Diva i may be coming to your neck of the woods for christmas . Manchester to be exact. my cousin lives there, she and all her rude children want to come here /images/graemlins/crazy.gif /images/graemlins/mad.gif /images/graemlins/frown.gif and i want to go there. so i havent decided i know i better hurry and make a decision while i can get a good deal on the airline tickets.
Madison, I was in London this summer. Beautiful place but be prepared; the exchange rate will kick your butt!!! Then again, perhaps Manchester won't be so wallet busting as London is.
Oh No! I have had those dreams!! Ladies, I have to confess, I AM A HAIR FANATIC! I can't stop talking about, asking about, sharing't let them take me alive LOLOLOLOL!!!Stay back or I'll bust you with my hair brush!!!!just kidding....Bonjour.
Re: The Forum

This site is truly number one! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif I recently joined after about five to six months of lurking and have found tremendous amounts of growth, more than I have ever envisioned. I plan on treating myself to a digicam this Christmas so I can post my hair journey online. Thanks for all your help!
Awwww....I like this thread!!!

I echo the same sentiments, I'm glad this board exists!! /images/graemlins/kisses.gif to the board!!

I totally agree with you. I have so much information that it should be a complete sin for me to have any type of hair problems. /images/graemlins/grin.gif