To surge or not to surge?


Sweetest Taboo
Hi ladies! I was in the local beauty supply for my usual must haves (olive oil, jojoba oil, etc) I cam across a bottle of Surge. I noticed that there have been A LOT of posts about this product. I was thinking of using it for my nape area, I finally got it growing again. The price was not bad (4.99) but I hesitated because I am very cautious about what I put in my hair. I wanted to know if any of you have had success with this product and/or if you have complaints about it. My hair is 4a/4b, relaxed, thick, front and sides 14 to 15 inches root to tip, back a little longer. Help me out! The PJ in me is dying to know!!!
I like Surge, I have been using it since about May or June of 2003. My hair has grown quite a bit with it, in my opinion. There have been times when it did irritate my scalp, but I think my using it in combination with Fantasia IC Leave-In was kind of making my scalp raw, because the Fantasia soaked it. Anyway, I have had very little to no negative effects from Surge and all I can say is you will have to try it.
I like to experiment, and as long as I have read and understood the list of ingredients and it doesn't contain my no-no ingredients (petrolatum and mineral oil), I'm game, especially if the price is right.
Plus, with Surge, you should be able to decide within the 14-day guarantee time, whether you like it or not.
I've been using Surge since December, and I'm not being mistaken for Rapunzel or anything, but I think it makes my scalp pretty happy.
On Wednesday, it will be two solid weeks of wearing two-strand twists and spraying 2X a day, so I'll be able to make a real judgment then.
I love great on my hair and not ill effects whatsoever...My husband started using it...he will be going into his second week.

I have pics of my progress...feel free to check them out.
Pookeylou is your husband balding? My father is pretty much there, but I am wondering if any of my hair products will work on him. Please update me on your husband.
I have the same no no's especially mineral oil, and trust me when I say i look. Maybe I will give surge a try.
He VOLUNTARILY took pics of his head. He had accepted his thinning hair for some time now...after seeing my results he decided he was going to try it...I told him to follow the directions...After shampooing in the mornnig...he Surges his head...then he uses a bit of the Motion Lotion #9. He has only done it one week...and swears its thicker...I told him to be patient and wait one more week to compare...

I will post rhe results in my Surge album for sure.
That is too funny, I hope he gets some positive results. Please update me, because I want my daddy to use it, if it works.
I love Surge. Just like the bottle says, you'll see results after 2 weeks. In 2 weeks I "saw" my hair thicker, longer, and there was less hair on my comb. It works.
I just bought the Lotion Motion #9 a few days ago and I like it a lot, its light and absorbs into my scalp and skin without that heavy feeling. I saw that the main ingedient is Soy Bean and no Minerial oil.
DDHair said:
I like Surge, I have been using it since about May or June of 2003. My hair has grown quite a bit with it, in my opinion. There have been times when it did irritate my scalp, but I think my using it in combination with Fantasia IC Leave-In was kind of making my scalp raw, because the Fantasia soaked it. Anyway, I have had very little to no negative effects from Surge and all I can say is you will have to try it.

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Could you post your regimine? I am interested and how you incorporate Surge into your daily styles. Do you wear your hair down or up on most day? Any information would be appreciated!
Really? Did it make your scalp itch or flake? Do you use it twice a day or only after you shampoo? Is contains protein does it make your hair hard?
Didn't see that but I also wasn't looking. I am thinking about going back to the store so I will look to see if they have that as well.
If surge has too much protein in it , why don't u just put it in an applicator bottle and apply it to the scalp instead of wasting it on your hair - that is if the emphasis is only on the scalp
Well, I have used it now for over two weeks and I am pleased with it. My hair has got thicker. Also I have been taking my vitamins regularly, but I sprayed surge on the nape of my neck and the growth has extended past where it normally grows.
I braided my hair in Dec and lost some in the temple due to tight braids ...I started using the surge immediately and i now have 1/2 inch were i had lost my hair hair is growing in grey so i am actually SEEING the new growth( cannot dye with braidw in)
any how i am happy with the surge ..only problem is that if i scratch my scalp my fingernails get this ugly brown gunk uneder them ugg
I think the brown flakes everyone is seeing are the dead skin cells shedding from the growing hair.