To Shimmie and to those whose mothers have gone home....


Well-Known Member
I have a song that I hope ministers to you and comforts you:

It's called "Mother's Theme" (1973) and is by Willie Hutch.

It is the most beautiful musical tribute to mothers I've ever heard.

I've been thinking of my maternal grandmother a lot lately - She passed away 10 years ago and I still miss her. This song reminded me that she is in Heaven with the Lord and is surrounded by everlasting joy and peace.

I love you all. May God continue to bless each and every one of you.

Thank you, EbonyEyes....this brought tears to my eyes...:cry:

I remember this song as a little girl. This was certainly a special song...thank you, thank you :kiss:
Sigh... I will listen when I think I am up to it. Losing my mom was one of the most life changing experiences in my life. It really took me about 5 years to finally get to a place where I was settled with it - I kind of functioned on auto-pilot just getting by until recently I felt a release.

Thanks for sharing.
Sigh... I will listen when I think I am up to it. Losing my mom was one of the most life changing experiences in my life. It really took me about 5 years to finally get to a place where I was settled with it - I kind of functioned on auto-pilot just getting by until recently I felt a release.

Thanks for sharing.
Momi, I feel the same way too. It's been 6 years this past Valentine's Day and this was the first year that I've actually felt a little better.:nono:

The song wasn't with a whole lot of words, which was a good thing. The music reminded me of times past and I think that's when I cried...but, the tears were actually happy tears because those were the best years with my a child! I had such happy memories listening to it and I even smiled at the end.

Sometimes as believers, we don't realize how death of a loved one truly can affect us. I know, I always try to hold back and be strong....that's not always a good thing. Sometimes, I need someone who understands what I'm going through to listen with me, cry with me and encourage me in the Lord. Most of the people that I'm close with still have their parents, so although they are sensitive to my feelings, they don't understand the deep, intense pain that's associated with losing your mom.

It's been hard for me to even counsel anyone who has lost their mom...because I was crying along with them, thinking about my mom and that wasn't fair to them, so I stopped for now. For some reason, if they have lost any other family member, I don't have that problem, but their mom.....I lose it:nono:

I will be praying for you....pray for me too!

Momi, I feel the same way too. It's been 6 years this past Valentine's Day and this was the first year that I've actually felt a little better.:nono:

The song wasn't with a whole lot of words, which was a good thing. The music reminded me of times past and I think that's when I cried...but, the tears were actually happy tears because those were the best years with my a child! I had such happy memories listening to it and I even smiled at the end.

Sometimes as believers, we don't realize how death of a loved one truly can affect us. I know, I always try to hold back and be strong....that's not always a good thing. Sometimes, I need someone who understands what I'm going through to listen with me, cry with me and encourage me in the Lord. Most of the people that I'm close with still have their parents, so although they are sensitive to my feelings, they don't understand the deep, intense pain that's associated with losing your mom.

It's been hard for me to even counsel anyone who has lost their mom...because I was crying along with them, thinking about my mom and that wasn't fair to them, so I stopped for now. For some reason, if they have lost any other family member, I don't have that problem, but their mom.....I lose it:nono:

I will be praying for you....pray for me too!


Thanks for sharing these words... they were very comforting.

Praying for you as well Sister Wavy.:bighug:
EbonyEyes, thanks so much for posting this, truly, the tears they are flowing... I don't remember this song from back in the day, but I think I will add it to my life soundtrack...

...N&W and Momi, I know what you guys are saying... I have often wondered when life is going to feel "right" for me again. It has been just 3 and 1/2 years since my Mom went home, and life just hasn't been "right" since. I try, I really do... but I don't know how to adjust to this reality, ya know?

...My Mom was a strong woman, she was known for her stregnth and integrity. So when I am feeling really low, I can hear my Mom's voice saying, "Joy, you know better than this... you got to keep going, you got to keep living. Get out there and do all that God has called you to do..."

And so, with that, I keep going. 'Cause Mommy is rooting for me.