
New Member
Hey Ladies I have a problem I have been natural for 13mos. and I just love it but my hair has grown alot and it's SUPER THICK and gettin' hard for me to style I wear pony tail all the time and I'm sick of it and I have no one to style it for me because I just can not style my own hair I just do not have that skill so I was thinking about relaxing again but I am not sure the whole 13mos. I have been defending the reason I went natural and I feel like if I do relax again I would be giving up so I just don't know but either way it will be healthy and I could style it easier so just give some feed back
Don't relax it! :) I thought about relaxing my hair for the first time earlier this year. But I thought about the reason why I went natural which was because I hated getting relaxer touch-ups, plus the potential for those chemicals to burn my scalp. So I decided not to do it and now I do not think I will ever go back to relaxers. But that's just my reasoning for not relaxing. You must do what is best for you. If you really really really want to stay natural, start stalking some natural hair albums and pick up on some different styles you can do with your natural hair. Straightening with heat or wearing fake hair may help you deal with your natural hair in the meantime as well.
Don't relax it!! Remind yourself of why you went natural in the first place. Then, from there, if the reason was strong enough, maybe you can get someone to teach you how to do some styles.Maybe check out youtube? There are plenty of useful tutorials on there that may help you in trying to learn how to do other styles. Practice makes perfect! (and your hair is pretty, btw)
I was in the same boat as you... Texlaxed was what I chose to do... and I am only below SL and women go "Good lord that's a lot of hair" still. If you choose wisely you will do what's best for you. If you stay natural experiment... If you use chemicals move into them gradually... so you find an acceptable balance u can deal with.
this is such a personal decision and you should ultimately decide what's best for you. i was natural, but have since texturized my hair. it still looks 95% like my hair did when it was natural, but it's just easier for me to deal with (and i have a little bit more curl—which i like).

My hair is super thick as well and it does get overwhelming to style sometimes. When i reach this point i try to get it braided or twisted. That way i don't have to not think about it for a while. Before i know it, i miss my hair and don't mind styling it.

I'd say hold off a month, and if you still can't take it relax (and don't feel guilty, everything isn't for everybody).
I would stay to so what is easiest for you. I was natural for a long time and recently got a texturizer. I find that my hair is more manageble now and my hair still looks natural. I can wear it curly or straight.
I was at a sort of similar crossroads. I'd been natural for 2+ years and just texlaxed on friday. I really can't tell you to relax or not relax. If you really really want to stay natural you will need to just wait it out. Your hair is very pretty by the way.
DO NOT RELAX (at least not until you're sure you want it and not just in a temporary frustrating snag). I agree with what others have said. If you can't manage your hair at this point on your own, utilize someone else's skills until you develop your own. Wear braids or twists or find a talented stylist that can straighten your hair with heat. In Chicago, lots of natural sisters who wear their hair straightened consistently patronize Egyptian salons. In other cities, the Dominicans are the best game in town. Either way, you can have the familiarity of straight hair without an irreversible chemical process that limits your versatility. I say give it some time and in the mean time, scour the books and the boards about natural hair for ideas. When I went natural, learning twists and setting techniques took time and effort but they gave me the options I was looking for without ever feeling a need to go back to the relaxer. I can even do a mean blowout and flatiron on myself in a pinch. You'll get to the promised land!:yep:
Nobody here can tell you what to do with your hair, but maybe sleep on it for a week and then decide. Relaxers are not the devil, just gotta keep up with maintenance.
From my personal experience. I wouldn't do it. If I could rewind to five days ago. I would have listened to my inner self as I was basing my scalp. Bottom line is once you do it and you don't like it you'll have to start all over again. But above all things think long and hard about your desicion and think about what is best for you.
Thanx You ladies so much!!!!!!!!!! I am going to wait untill feb of 09 so if I still want a rexlaxer five month from now I will do it I know no matter what y'all got my back