To much drama,need hair help


New Member
Hello to all,

I have lurked for sometime and shy about joining in. time to take the plunge.
Wondering if anyone has used herbs that have for the most part are used internally. Alfalfa cut (dried) can it be used externally? My funds are limited and having MS is a pain in the a--. Having someone hating your hair is crazy!
The short story. Moved to new town, asked girlfriend where to find a stylist, girlfriend knows your last relaxer was in aug. hair falls out. Refers me to a place, but she does not get her hair done there. Had to cut 5in off myself. Saving every strand I lose for her next weave /images/graemlins/mad.gif.

Ok back to the herbs, I have Hibscus, sage powder, rosemary fresh (2 days old) and dried, ginger powder fennel seed powder and chamomile.
I have begun to use the recipes posted, honey & olive oil mix, castor oil and a bit of vitamin E.
The products I have on hand now are aveda hair moss, shea butter flax seed oil, carrot cream (Hollywood beauty) castle soap for babies, and aloe Vera gel. Vitamin C crystals, suave coconut conditioner. I have held back on using much of what is listed, having a neuro deficit leaves me confused at times. I intend to get my hair, skin and whatever else in shape.I am not about to give up now.
Getting whatever else; will be a long time coming. I am home bound for now, MS is active.
Is there anything I can do with the herbs listed ?.I checked out holistic- online there is too much info to understand. /images/graemlins/confused.gif
This is a great deal of information to ask for; all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Dancing as fast as I can,
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Chyli said:
I intend to get my hair, skin and whatever else in shape.I am not about to give up now.
Getting whatever else; will be a long time coming. I am home bound for now, MS is active.

[/ QUOTE ]

Chyli, I don't know anything in terms of the holistic line, but I know there is someone on this board that will be able to help you. Just give em time, some of them haven't awoken on certain shores /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I'm glad you have a VERY positive attitude in what you need to do for yourself. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
I'm sorry to hear the MS is currently active. I pray you get better very soon. Good luck with your goals and welcome to the board. /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
Hi Chyli,

Welcome to the board! /images/graemlins/smile.gif I don't know much about herbs, but there are others here who do. Good luck to you. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
dear chyli,

welcome to the board. I am sure that jade21 and mahaliee will help you, they are the people to page.

For me, i will say this
you can use the dried herbs - rosemary, sage, chamomile and hibsicus - to make a 'tea' for your hair. You can use a handful of each, put in a pyrex or glass dish with enough water to cover the herbs. Boil for a half hour, then let steep overnight. You then strain and decant the herbal 'tea' into a glass bottle (or freeze them in trays so that the mixture will keep until you need it) and use it as a 'rinse' after you have finished washing and conditioning your hair.

Hmmm... you have flaxseed oil, ehh? I dunno if that would play havoc with your medication, even though studies have shown that essential fatty acids (like flaxseed oil) oral suppliments do help, but, i will research some more and come back to you on that. For now, you could mix the flaxseed oil with your conditioner when you deep condition (as needed). Your hair is relaxed, eh? I dunno what aloe could do for relaxed hair, not unless you would mix it with your setting lotion to add a bit of moisture boost to your hair. If your hair ends are scraggly, you could apply castor oil, or flax seed oil lightly to them, so that the ends do keep moist.

the thing is, sage and rosemary do help to stimulate hair growth, so you are on the right track. I would make small amounts of the tea if i were you, just for starters, so that you wont be overwhelmed.

Right. that is all i have for now. I hope that you are taking care of yourself. You should try and treat yourself to some nice scents - like a vanilla spray for your room, or any scent that calms you. Stress makes your hair fall out. Try to meditate as well as medicate.

Take care of yourself, you are with good people (even though we are online), and bully for your for taking your hair into your hands. Like Mahialee says (i can never spell her name right /images/graemlins/crazy.gif) no one respects and loves your hair like you do.

Welcome to the board.
Welcome Chyli, glad you came out of lurk mode. /images/graemlins/wink.gif You will like it here.
Welcome to the board!! I'm not really up on herbs so I can't help you. But welcome anyways.... /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Hi Chyli

Welcome! /images/graemlins/grin.gif You may want to page Jade21, she knows her stuff about oils, herbs, vitamins, etc. and can give you the "dos and don'ts of certain ones. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Sorry to hear about your MS being active /images/graemlins/frown.gif My sister was diagnosed a month ago with MS /images/graemlins/frown.gif My best advice would be to check w/ your doctor or pharmacist before taking anything. Although it's all natural(the herbs etc..) it my have a adverse affect on your condition and medications, so be careful and your in my prayers /images/graemlins/smile.gif
it should be multiple sclerosis, some kind of dysfunction of transmission at the site of the neurones. movement is difficult if not limited