To Lye or No-Lye?...that is the question


New Member
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This may have been asked before...but I'm a newbie so here goes...Is it ok to put a lye relaxer over a no-lye? By "over" I mean is it ok to use a lye relaxer when its time for a touch up if you've been using no-lye relaxers? i don't think that my hair is overly dry or anything from my no-lye( I just recently started using Hawaiian Silky Cream Conditioning Relaxer w/ mink &amp;jojoba oils) but I wondered if I might get some extra benefit from a lye relaxer or if it would somehow make my fine hair "fatter"
And the fact that the lye relaxer has a 12.0-12.5 pH; while no-lye only has 9.0-9.5 really made me wonder how the lye relaxer could be better if, optimally, your hair's pH should be 4.0-4.5? HELP
Personally, I think the experience of a few no-lye to lye switchers says: if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I am yet to change to lye and don't think I will anytime soon, I prefer that low ph to a fried scalp. Just my opinion anyway