To cut or To not cut, that is the Question.


New Member
My hair hasn't grown for years. In fact I started to believe that my hair could just reach a certain length, and that's it. I was ignorant in how to take care of it. I didn't believe it could go as long as what I've witness on this forum.

I want to start my hair journey fresh, and I'm thinking of doing a big chop. Just getting rid of it all. Over the years I've heat damaged my hair (constantly straightening it) and I haven't trimmed regurlarly etc. But now I just oil it, and bun it most of the time.

Is it mandatory for me to cut it off, and start fresh? Or can I just nurture my hair back to health and keep it how it is now.

This is how it is right now. I'd love to hear feedback.. Thanks.
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Hey! i just popped in to give you my opinion...first are you relaxed or natural? i can speak from both sides because I didn't get my first relaxer till I was 18. but interestingly, i stayed the same length for a long time in both textures bcuz my hair care wasn't up to par. I stayed a little below APL as a natural and i thought that was the longest it would get. i didn't trim, my mom pressed my hair every 2 weeks, etc. then when i went off to college, the first year and a half of my relaxed phase was horrible too cuz i didn't know proper hair care. but as i started to learn, my hair grew like crazy, and it became so much healthier. so to answer your question, i personally don't think you need to cut your hair. i'm a testament to having healthy hair after bad practices. i do suggest you get a good trim to cut off the bad ends. i did that and although it pained me to see the hair go lol, its like starting fresh. i did about 2 inches. but it depends on your hair. also if your not noticing growth, switch up your regimen/products/practices until you find what works (ur hair will tell u if its working lol). and lastly patience is THE most important thing. but take pics to keep track of your progress, even if you don't post them. there are times u might not think ur hair is growing but pics say otherwise. sorry this was so long, but i felt this way once and i overcame it, so you can too!
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there is no way to truly heal the damaged hair back to "health" but you can nurture it to keep the damage from spreading and hopefully keep it from breaking off.

As it grows you can do mini chops, an inch or so every few months to slowly get rid of the damaged hair. Getting rid of the split ends and fragile hair will allow you to keep the healthy hair on your head so that you will see your growth :)