To cut or not to cut?


New Member
Hi ladies,

I need some advise. I bc's Dec 2007 from mbl back to bsl to finish my transition to texlax. The last 8" were bone straight hair. My hair grew back very nice with bunning, baggying, DC,and MN. I only cut about 4-5" of the Bone straight hair. I plan to keep my hair protect (hyh till Dec 2008) with braids and bunning. Ok, my question is should I go on and chop off the last 3" of my hair or wait till I start wearing it down (July 1, 2009)? It doesn't need to be trimmed but I am itching to get it out of the way. My new avitar shows todays pic.

If your ultimate goal is to be fully texturized, you should go ahead and cut off the rest of the bone straight relaxed ends. From the picture, it looks like you have a nice length, so cutting it should be no problem, especially if you're going to keep it braided or bunned. Hope that helps!