To cuddle or not to cuddle, that is the question?


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies.

Do you and your significant other cuddle why sleeping? I can't. I get so hot, which is funny because during the day I am cold. I always have a sweater on at work (I even have a space heater). Our master bedroom is the coldest place in the entire apartment, so usually when I'm back there I'm covered up as well.

So you think I'd be all for the cuddling with my man when it time for bed, but for some reason I get so uncomfortable. Once I'm ready for bed, I push the thermostat down to make it even colder back there. Part of this is comfort, but I'm starting to wonder if this negro is just hot for no reason also.

I feel bad, because he likes to cuddle. So what I end up doing is cuddling with him until he falls asleep and then rolling over and away from him or pushing him off me (that sounds bad right). Maybe the fact that I'm a light sleep has something to do with it.

I just wonder if I'm the only woman out there that actually doesn't like cuddling with their man or are there others out there that need your space too.
I don't like feeling anyone's bones under me for long. He has a habit of putting his arm under my pillow. Um, only MY arm goes under MY pillow buddy, LOL. Fortunately my SO is a champion sleeper and I'll wait until he falls asleep and move away. I DO love to cuddle but after a while, I like my own space.
I love cuddling and so does he. My hubster body temp is high and I'm usually chilly so it's a great match. Some time during the night, I roll away simply because his body just get too hot.
I don't like it; he does so I compromise most of the times we are together and allow him to cuddle; he's fine with that compromise.
When i try to cuddle while sleeping I find it causes a lot of tossing and turning. Once he gets comfortable then I have to readjust, then when I get comfy he wants to readjust and that goes on all night long.

I like to sleep on my side at night then in the a.m. if we have time I will make my way to his side and lay with him as long as we can.
cuddle? me?

nahh...when u get as old as me, all dat goes out da window. afta our sexcapade or whateva u wanna callit, i usually roll on ova, light up a newport one hunnit, grab da remote to see what else is on da ignant box.

u stay on ur side of da bed and i'll stay on mine, which is why i got da king sized bed in da first place.
When we're watching television or just talking I am all for the cuddle. I'm actually quite comfortable. It just that as soon as my body decides it is time to shut things down, then everything has to shut down. The only time I can fall asleep while laying on his chest is if I am dog dead tired. I just feel bad at times because he is just trying to show some affection and I'm just looking at the clock waiting for him to get into that REM sleep. Once I hear that snore, then operation "get off me" commences.

Now I did have an ex I was able to fall asleep while cuddling. I couldn't tell you what the difference was. Maybe he wasn't as hot. or maybe it was that he had a different frame or weight, IDK.

Well at least I know I'm not the onliest one has to have her space while sleeping. We have a Queen, but the next bed we get will definitely have to be a King. Because on top of everything else, the man has elbowed a time or two also in his sleep. Maybe he was subconsciously trying to get back at me for rolling away from him.
I cuddle before and after colouring and any other time except bedtime. I hate feeling locked in when i'm sleeping. I want to be able to stretch without someone's arms blocking me. I can't do it. It has come up as an issue in every relationship i've been in.
I cuddle before and after colouring and any other time except bedtime. I hate feeling locked in when i'm sleeping. I want to be able to stretch without someone's arms blocking me. I can't do it. It has come up as an issue in every relationship i've been in.

Wow EXACTLY, very well said. Thats one of the main reasons why Im like, no sleepover tonight!:nono:

I gotta gets my sleep on!:yep:
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Love, love cuddling-sleeping or awake. Sometimes we'll just sleep on our sides in a spooning manner, with his arm around me. It's nice, especially since I get to *steal* his body heat. :p

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I cuddle before and after colouring and any other time except bedtime. I hate feeling locked in when i'm sleeping. I want to be able to stretch without someone's arms blocking me. I can't do it. It has come up as an issue in every relationship i've been in.

This is me, I'll cuddle w/my SO but I like to sleep on my tummy and not bothered. He sleeps on his side, so it works for us. Sometimes I'll fall asleep on his chest, but that's usually in the morning and not for too long. I like my space when I'm sleeping.
i don't like it because it makes me feel as though i'm responsible for that other person. like if i make the tiniest move they will wake up, so i have to lay there, uncomfortable, stiff as a board. i'll pass on cuddling.
I like to cuddle briefly but not when it's time to sleep. I'll let him hold me for a few minutes then I'm like "ok..get in your spot" and we get in our sleep positions and call it a night.
LOL funny thread.. DH is a maja cuddler! He had to has some part of his body touching mine.... I opt for an occasional foot touch and I 'stay in my lane' which is normally on the edge of our king size bed LOL whereas he prefers the full body hug... I push him off nightly.. a few times :look:
I love to cuddle because I am FREEZING all the time and my SO body is like a HOT WATER HEATER. LOL When I sleep over at his place, I need socks and clothes on, but there is a NO CLOTHES rule in the bed. However, when he comes to my place, I have to drop the thermostat and he STILL complaining about being hot with the covers off. *Side Eye* We or both side sleepers. We start off close and then drift apart during the night to then return to each other in the morning. It's pretty funny
I can't cuddle while I'm sleeping. I always start itching and then I have to keep moving so I can scratch, lol. Then I feel bad for ruining the cuddle.

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