to anyone who loves henna and oil rinsing!!!!


Active Member
hey ladies....I did my first henna treatment over the weekend...I loveeee the way my hair feels....not thrilled about the color yet (I wanted more red, gonna do another one this weekend) but I stumbled across something veryyyyyyy interesting by accident.... See I had this bottle of flaxseed oil that I had gotten for oil pulling...(couldn't do that major gag reflex cuz flaxseed oil tastes NASTY) but anyhoo I had opened it and forgotten to put it in the fridge...So I figured well if it was nasty to ingest before it's prolly horrible now, I'll just use it for my hair....Anyways I was rinsing the henna out and it was being a bit stubborn and I didn't like the texture so I put some flaxseed oil in and rinsed again under warm water.....OMG, it helped the henna come out and the texture of my hair is divine! It's soft and not dry at all!!! (and to those of you who remember my other escapades with oil rinsing...this time I did not even come close to breaking my neck!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:) the flaxseed oil just rinses out easier than olive oil and helps get all of the henna out!!!

I will post pix this weekend after I do the second treatment...

Hope this helps somebody!!! :yep::yep:
Thanks for the information I want to henna my hair so bad but I'm scared I might screw it up. What is the recipes you used for the treatment? And did you add color to the henna? Let me know, thanking you in advance:))

Thanks for the information I want to henna my hair so bad but I'm scared I might screw it up. What is the recipes you used for the treatment? And did you add color to the henna? Let me know, thanking you in advance:))


hi susan :wave: have you tried doing a harvest hair test? I would recommend doing that, just save up your shed hairs for awhile then you could order henna samples from and experiement. :yep: I know henna sooq also has a website, I haven't ordered from her yet but I'm pretty sure several ladies around here have and have been pleased so take your pick.

The recipe I used...well I can tell you what I used but I can't tell you how much cuz I just added untill I got the consistency I wanted....but anyhoo, 200 mg of henna, I activated it with a mixture of cranberry apple zinger, raspberry zinger and raspberry royale tea and a dash of lemon (some people say don't use lemon cuz it dries the hair, doesn't dry mine so again try a harvest hair test) anyhoo I let the mixture sit for 8 hours (I made the mixture kinda thick cuz I still had more stuff to add) Ok after the 8 hours I added in honey and plain yougrut, mixed untill smooth then slapped it on my hair nice and thick....(got some on the carpet...uh oops lol) mummified my head with saran wrap and warm towel, let it sit for about 4.5 hours, then rinsed it out with warm water, the flaxseed oil, then i detangled in the shower with pantene hydrating curls and let that sit then rinsed that, used suave humectant (haven't decided if I like this conditioner yet) then final rinse was an ACV rinse...

No I didn't add any extra color, my hair is naturally very very dark brown/black with slight red highlights in the sun. The henna made it very slightly lighter with more of a reddish tinge...although I haven't been in the sun yet but I think it would be more noticable in the sunlight.

Next treatment I do I will activate with lemon completely like I did with the strand test cuz I liked that color better....

sorry this is so long but hope this helps :grin: I'm still a newbie but I'll help anyway I can as I'm still learning about my bipolar hair :lachen:
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Eww, oil pulling with flaxseed oil. :barf: I'm not sure if you're interested in natural appetite suppression but flaxseed works great for Shanrig-la. You have to hold your nose, take the oil, rinse your month, drink some water then let go. :) You won't taste a thing. My skin feels amazing and it's only been about 4 days on flax. :yep: I haven't noticed any hair changes. :ohwell:

I oil rinse my henna out too, but I do it the day after. :yep:

Great tip!
"Shanrig-la" what's this?

and hey live and learn lol. I got nebby and wanted to experiment on my own....:lachen: but never again....flaxseed is da devil....but i still love it lol :lachen:
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