To all Uptown, Bronx, Westchester, North Jersey & Rockland


New Member
Ladies living in those areas, or have friends/relatives living in those areas, where do you/they go to church and what kind of church is it?

I am caught between a rock & hard place. I love, love my non-denominational church in NJ: Faith Fellowship WOM in Sayreville (formerly Edison)& have been going for 13 yrs, but in the last 4 yrs I am growing weary of the hour & change drive. I guess as I'm getting older I don't have energy for the drive Thurs & Sun as I have in the past & I've been a NY'er for 10 yrs & am seeking a similar church further North Jersey/Uptown/Rockland/Westcher where I can actually take part of activities & socialize & call home. It will be hard to break away & go someplace new because I'll be comparing everything to my church, but I must.
