To:All U Bishes W/Gorgeous Hair & Still No Album


New Member
I hate you lol! Nothing is more annoying than seeing an avatar of a gorgeous head of hair and you click on profile to see the albums and there aren't any. Ladies, u don't have to give full-face shots. Just get those camaras working and send in your pics. Oftentimes, someone inspires you and you want a closeup of those gorgeous strands of hair. Send in your pics....pleeeeeze!:ohwell:
I would like to get an album, but I don't want to pay for it. Is fotki free? If not, do you know of any free online galleries?
I just keep wondering why more than 300 people have looked at my profile without saying anything, my hair certainly is not gorgeous.
I would like to get an album, but I don't want to pay for it. Is fotki free? If not, do you know of any free online galleries?

:yep: Fotki is free they just have google ads. You can pay and get more storage space if you need it, but it provides a nice amount of storage initially. Normally it's 30 (something like that) dollars a year. So go ahead an start you an album!

OP, I feel you though, it's one girl on here... I absolutely adore her siggy pic, but she has no album. I even went so far as to look through all her posts to see if she ever posted a link or something. Took me hours, but I wanted to believe that album existed!! :wallbash:
Plus I don't have a digital camera..and I don't want to get any spyware/adware on my computer.
If I did start it I would like to get to a certain point,and then show the progress. This year was zero progress since my hair grows so slow.
It is, but it's worth it in that it's a good way of keeping track of your progress. I currently use the free fotki option.

Girl this will be another distraction away from my DH. He already has to hear me talk about hair this hair that :drunk:. Doesnt it take away from normal activity b/c u are soooo consumed w/ this site already?
Girl this will be another distraction away from my DH. He already has to hear me talk about hair this hair that :drunk:. Doesnt it take away from normal activity b/c u are soooo consumed w/ this site already?

:lachen:Your DH will be aight!
Well I started mine a few years ago and only recently started really updating it earlier this year. I only update like when I relax or if I do something different than normal, so like once a month. That's way less time than I spend on here (which is too much:look:)
There are alot of great fotki's. If a person does not have an album and you want to know something about the person PM them..

The title of this thread is kinda harsh. Why use a variation of the B word??? It can be offensive.
Girl this will be another distraction away from my DH. He already has to hear me talk about hair this hair that :drunk:. Doesnt it take away from normal activity b/c u are soooo consumed w/ this site already?

Good point. DH and I are busy at work, so we look forward to our time together. But I also love this site and working on my's so easy for me to spend hours and hours on both sites. So as a compromise, when DH is not home, or busy doing something else or on the computer himself, I hang out here or on fotki.

I can talk to DH about hair, until I see his eyes glaze over, then I move on to another subject. He is looking forward to the longer lengths that I have been telling him I will have.
I am getting ready to start one, but I'm just waiting another month so I can show some progress (hopefully). Otherwise my album will be pretty boring :(
I've started one, but it's a bit anorexic looking at the moment. :blush: Although I'm carrying on like I've got 'gorgeous' hair and I haven't yet! :rolleyes: However, I think it's important to keep pictures so that you can monitor your progress gradually month by month with visuals; even if you don't plan on advertising them on the internet.

I'm enjoying doing it, and hopefully I'll be able to look back at it in a few years and say guurrlll you really did it! :)
:yep: Fotki is free they just have google ads. You can pay and get more storage space if you need it, but it provides a nice amount of storage initially. Normally it's 30 (something like that) dollars a year. So go ahead an start you an album!

OP, I feel you though, it's one girl on here... I absolutely adore her siggy pic, but she has no album. I even went so far as to look through all her posts to see if she ever posted a link or something. Took me hours, but I wanted to believe that album existed!! :wallbash:

You can actually request a free 10mb of additional storage every month :yep::yep:
Well, when my hair becomes gorgeous, I'll get a fotki. :lachen::lachen:

IMO I like to view Fotki has the best transformation b/c it shows their progress and well as regimen. In the past I struggled w/ keeping my hair healthy. Don’t get me wrong I love the ladies that have “gorgeous” hair I just like to view those knows the struggle. So bottom line you have to have “gorgeous” hair to start an album. :yep:
I have a hard time believing your progress and product reviews without a pic or fotki.

The proof is in the pudding. If you don't have proof then i will go find someone else who has it.
every time i try to start one, or even post multiple pics here in a post, it says that my pic size is too large or somethingorother and I am not that computer savvy. It's frustrating. I would ask my younger brother to come over and help me but I don't want him askign me fiftyleven questions about why i take so many pics of my hair.
Not trying to act like I have gorgeous hair or anything, but ladies I just dont know how to do it :nono:!!! Anybody who has time to pm me with the "dummies" version of setting up a fotki please do....thx:drunk:
You can actually request a free 10mb of additional storage every month :yep::yep:

Yes, ladies! Please DO NOT pay for Fotki!! All you have to do is request additional space. There's a thread on getting free space, every month, somewhere around here.

I didn't pay for my fotki, it's free but I know I'm limited in how many photos I can upload.

There's a way around the limit too!!! Be back with link!! DO NOT PAY!!! :)

ETA: Here ya go ladies, the tutorial on getting free space:!!/getting-more-space-/

Shoo! Save that money. We in a recession!!! :)
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