to all the no-poo relaxed heads


New Member
Hi girls I was wondering if any relaxed heads conditioner wash regularly. I was planning on skipping my usual weekly shampoo for a while and only conditioner wash my hair weekly followed by my usual rollerset. What do ya'll think?
I've been doing conditioner washes once a weeek for a few weeks and the results have been great. I'm going to use my regular shampoo again soon, I just wanted to give my hair a break from ALS for a while as I have heard that it has the potential to be harsh on the hair. As long as you rinse your scalp really well not using shampoo for a few washes should be fine.
I was doing only conditioner washes but the product build up was too much on my fine strands and the heavyness of the product began to pull my hair out.So now Iwash 2x a week with shampoo and pre treat and deep condition afterwards.
I do a conditioner wash once or twice a week and use non sls shampoo about once or twice per month. My hair has been less dry. I think you should try it. Using ACV rinses helps with the build up without drying the hair out.