To all my straightened naturals...


New Member
Hello! I did a BC back at the end of July, so I'm currently about 5 1/2 months natural (pics attached at the bottom). While I LOVE my natural hair, I'm getting very tired and frustrated with the limited styling options of my twa. I'd never go back to the relaxer, but sometimes I miss having straight hair.

And then I realized that I could be both straight AND natural!

But here's my do you keep your straight hair moisturized? I live in Hawaii where the weather is nice year round. As such, I'm still able to enjoy a wash and go daily if I choose (while some in cold climates can't say the same). My hair has grown by leaps and bounds because I've discovered moisture and a regimen that works for me, but I realize that I rely on the cowashing and other wet treatments to keep my hair moisturized.

When I did have straight hair I had a serious moisture problem, mainly because I didn't know how to "dry moisturize" my hair (ie. keep it moisturized w/o relying on water or heavy oils). I like to wrap my hair and use heat sparingly, but the moisturizing products I found always made my hair "wet" or oily, causing me to have to use at least a little heat to maintain the style.

So, how do you get around that as a straight natural?

Also, have any of you ever done the BC and gone straight? At what length did you start straightening your hair? Lastly, what routine do you use (weekly, daily, that sort of thing)? Cookies to those that attach pics :o)

BTW, these pics below are of my hair at this very moment (I'm still at work :o) In thses pics I have on a headband that didn't show in the lighting of my phone, but you can see the overall shape and size of my twa.

You should deep condition with a moisturizing condish to get the most moisture while your hair is straighten. I normally use a light moisturizer and seal w/ a light oil to keep my hair moisturized about 2x a week to prevent my hair from drying out.
In what capacity do you use the light moisturizer (ie on your ends or whole head, wet or dry), and which kind do you use? Also, which light oil do you use to seal? Do you do these on dry hair?

Thanks, your answers will give me a better picture of the actual routine of moisturizing dry hair so that I don't have to use heat more than I'd like.
Since you're in Hawaii, I believe you can get away with using coconut oil as your light oil, unlike those of us in colder climates right now. That and avocado oil work well for me when my hair is straight, as opposed to water-based moisturizers (even just on my ends) or heavier oils. Anything I use when my hair is straight ONLY goes on my ends, unless I am adding a tiny amount to my crown since it is the driest part of my hair.

Look into WestIndianBeauty's threads on moisture and straight hair -- the biggest thing that has helped me when I straighten my hair is making sure that I DC with heat for 3 days in a row, or I overnight DC for 2 nights before straightening. Infusing the maximum amount of moisture into your strands -- without overdoing it to the point of "mushy hair", of course -- will ensure you use less heat and can keep your style longer.