

Well-Known Member

I am just now starting to tithe the full amount I was suppose to. At first I tithe because I was taught to You had to put something in the plate when it came but then I was convicted to give more but I was not a cheerful giver:nono:, I still did not tithe the full amount. I thought about it minimally. I just felt this is all I could spare. but now that I have learned more and more about God and learned to love him with my whole heart and also about Christian living. I know I was sinning. so I made a decision to tithe the full amount gladly, willingly. I also get child support do I include that in my tithing? And what about gifts and things of that nature, or income tax or bonuses at work do you tithe them as well. I suppose you will tithe your bonus and your income tax but not sure about child support. My daughter of her own free will tithes. I told her only 10% as she does not work its her allowance but she gives more. She gets 30 dollars every two weeks she tithes 7 dollars. I was so moved by her own desires to do what is right, I hoped that she was encouraged by my giving. but I believe God is working on her heart. If you can provide scriptures that would be great. I suppose I can study this out myself but was hoping for season advice and also to encourage others that are "listening".
I am just now starting to tithe the full amount I was suppose to. At first I tithe because I was taught to You had to put something in the plate when it came but then I was convicted to give more but I was not a cheerful giver:nono:, I still did not tithe the full amount. I thought about it minimally. I just felt this is all I could spare. but now that I have learned more and more about God and learned to love him with my whole heart and also about Christian living. I know I was sinning. so I made a decision to tithe the full amount gladly, willingly. I also get child support do I include that in my tithing? And what about gifts and things of that nature, or income tax or bonuses at work do you tithe them as well. I suppose you will tithe your bonus and your income tax but not sure about child support. My daughter of her own free will tithes. I told her only 10% as she does not work its her allowance but she gives more. She gets 30 dollars every two weeks she tithes 7 dollars. I was so moved by her own desires to do what is right, I hoped that she was encouraged by my giving. but I believe God is working on her heart. If you can provide scriptures that would be great. I suppose I can study this out myself but was hoping for season advice and also to encourage others that are "listening".

That is wonderful that the Lord is touching your daugther that way! You must be doing something right as well. I dont have children yet, but I'd hope they would have that kind of spirit to give to the Lord. :)
Malachi 3:8-10 (Amplified Bible)

8Will a man rob or defraud God? Yet you rob and defraud Me. But you say, In what way do we rob or defraud You? [You have withheld your] tithes and offerings.
9You are cursed with the curse, for you are robbing Me, even this whole nation.(A) 10Bring all the tithes (the whole tenth of your income) into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and prove Me now by it, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.(B)
"...and a little child shall lead them." (Isaiah 11:6).

Start where your faith level is and build from there. Faith is a muscle. It must be exercised, pushed, challenged.

Start with five percent and build from there.

Put the Lord first (meaning take the tithe off the top) and watch Him honor your sacrifice... and watch your sacrifice turn into a willing, cheerful gift unto the Lord from you and a blessing unto you and your household.