Tired of talking to myself...


Active Member
...so I'm asking someone(s) else!

Got a dilemma, ladies.

Like to hear it??? Here it go. =)
[sorry for the OG smiley - Don't know how to access the good ones yet]

The majority of my length [collarbone in front, past shoulders in back - mostly 4a with maybe 30% 3c scattered about my head] is texlaxed with Vitale life & body.

I followed the "Phyto-lution" [Groupie.] for several months, and compelling evidence [little burn, stronger, more "bodi-licious" strands] convinced me to switch. I did two Phyto I touchups, May 20 and August 14. Neither one really straightened my roots; I noticed some smoothing, but not much change from my natural texture.

I've been stretching since August. I have considerable new growth that has been easy enough to manage, but shrinkage is a "muh", and it's time to do something.

The dilemma is...

What DO I do?

I'm pleased with the current strength of my hair. I wanna stretch out the new growth some [I think... duh.]

(1) I'm tempted to go back to Vitale because I know what it will do.
(2) I'm concerned about the 1.5-2 inches of hair that was treated with Phyto I; I don't want to create another weakened hair/breakage situation for myself.
(3) I'm kinda NOT sure that I'm ready to give upon Phyto.

I feel better just saying it [I'm not in my head, no mo'!!]

I feel even better knowing that the Prima Donnas of Hair Care are helping me think about it!

Thanks for reading ;-) ! [i know.... ENOUGH with the little alpha smileys]


p.s. My dumb self got happy butterflies in my stomach... ["AN-TI-CI-PA-TION... It's slooooow good." Ya'll 'on kno' nuttin 'bout dat]
Hi sweetie, you might want to try your old product on a small clump of hair and see how that works.

Either way, to much "texture" isn't good for most ppl's hair. I read somewhere that combing it can be like a hair cut a day. So you need some straight-ness no matter what you do. HTH
I hope this helps. Phyto is a no lye relaxer. If you use another no lye relaxer to touch up, u should be fine. I've never used Phyto, so I really am not an expert on it. Try using LHCF's search engine. It can be a really good way to find some hidden treasures here.;)
thicknlong said:
Hi sweetie, you might want to try your old product on a small clump of hair and see how that works.

This is a very good idea. I forget about doing patch tests.

Thank you.
DDtexlaxd said:
I hope this helps. Phyto is a no lye relaxer. If you use another no lye relaxer to touch up, u should be fine. I've never used Phyto, so I really am not an expert on it. Try using LHCF's search engine. It can be a really good way to find some hidden treasures here.;)

Thanks DDtexlaxd,
I have read as many Phyto threads as I can; several times over, even. But I'm always looking for the positives about Phyto. I'll go back and see how ladies handled their hair when Phyto DIDN'T work for them.

I guess I'm not quite ready to admit Phyto-defeat...
I think a while back Sareca suggested that those who are getting underprocessed with Phyto may want to try using more product during the process. She texlaxes w/ Phyto I believe.
You're right, CAPlush... thanks for the reminder.
I've got maybe 3 inches of new growth.
My concern is having that much new hair potentially weakened [or losing everything below it =)]

I think the patch test. With MORE Phyto I. Maybe I'll snip a tiny lock from my scalp so I can really see what's going on with the process...