tired of paying shipping and handling??!


New Member
Does anyone know where I can purchase Salerm wheat germ mask besides online? I searched the forum and didn't come up with anything. I really want to try it, just don't want to have to pay s&h for one more thing!!
A cool tip:

Buy on Amazon.com and sign up for a free trial of Amazon PRIME. You get FREE 2 day shipping for a month. Just make sure you cancel your membership before a month is thru

OR pre-cancel it right after you sign up so you don't have to remember.

Go to "Your Account" on the top right hand side after you sign up, and under the link "Manager my Prime Membership," select "Do Not Upgrade Automatically." It won't upgrade it after a month, so you're not charged for the membership $79 bucks a year.

I just did this for my Caruso set! Ordered it last night and I get my stuff tomorrow for FREE! YAY
Amazon Prime is wonderful, I actually joined as a member and the savings on shipping is wonderful. It's very clever though because in turn it probably gets you spending more than you normally would!