Tired of Hollywood's attack on Christianity


Well-Known Member
This is just a vent. I'm watching one of those crime shows and in this one scene, there are people casually speaking, and I see this girl wearing a cross.

I was pleasantly surprised to see a character (even though she was an extra with a bit part) demonstrating their Christian faith.

Don't you know that 'minor' character ended up being the killer!:nono: Not to mention that the killings involved a ritual that incorporated her Christianity. I was just too through!

I'm sure this happens-in film, radio and TV-more than I would like to know, but it really messed with me this time; maybe because I wasn't expecting it.
zora - yes I know you were too through.

Happens all too often though... now it's pretty much the norm.
Yes I see it all the time. It's the evil, crazy, or nonsensical religious fanatic theme going with it. Of course there are many people out there that really give Christianity a bad name, but Hollywood and the media really exaggerate it. If you look deeper into who ultimately runs the entertainment industry then you will understand.