tips on washing long hair w/o tangling and knots??


Well-Known Member
helpppp... I've started washing my hair on my own and have been having some problmes with tangling and knots once im done and try to comb it out. i was wondering if any of you have any tips or reccommendations. i wash my hair while in the shower with paul mitchell awapuhi shampoo then use his instant detangler conditioner and when i try to comb it out, its all a big mess. i end up ripping alot of hair out which makes me want to cry. how do you guys avoid this problem?????i've also tried using leave in detanglers like paul mitchell's and paul browns and they dont do that good of a job any suggestions??
I can relate, and I still have issues with tangling when I experiment around with products.

For me, I try to make sure my hair isn't that tangled before I wash it, so if there are any snarls I can loosen by hand, I try to do that first. When I shampoo, I don't pile all my hair on my head; I wash my scalp and then work or squeeze the suds down my ends. My hair stays essentially parted down the center the whole time. When I use a rinse out conditioner, I try to avoid piling my hair up, and when I'm rinsing the conditioner out, I use a wide tooth comb to loosen tangles as the water rinses over it.
After washing, I pat my hair dry with a towel, but leave it rather damp. I find detangling works best if I use a little bit of oil and a little bit of spray on leave in conditioners. I detangle small sections at a time, and the sections I'm not working with I clip the length so it doesn't retangle. I'll even spritz with water to dampen sections that may have dried out.
That all might sound complicated but it really isn't, it just becomes habit.

I think products matter too, but some products don't work for everyone. Here are the products that have helped me with combouts. I know you'll get tons of other recommendations. Try to buy samples first

*VO5 hot oil tubes
*L'oreal Kids Shampoo (great for tangles, honest!)
*Aubrey's Seabuckthorn Conditioner
*Aubrey's GPB
*Joico K-pak smoothing balm as a leave-in
*Tiny bit of wildgrowth oil and leave-in conditioner (they work best together, to me!) ...
I've started washing my own hair this summer, and what has helped the most with detangling was using Creme of Nature Ultra-Moisturizing Shampoo. It is very moisturizing and detangles like a dream. The shampoo leaves a film on your hair that feels kind of slippery and slimy, but that it the moisturizers in the shampoo. I hope that helps.
What helps me with tangles is to wash my hair in sections - I do two. Some people do 4. It helps tremendously with the tangles.
Also, are you combing through the conditioner with a wide tooth comb? And then as you're rinsing the conditioner, comb through again as the water flows through your hair. It should cut down on the tangles tremendously!
No tangles b4 the wash, use creme of nature shampoo, do not manipulate your hair in the shower, just softly massage the soap into your scalp and as you rinse, fingercomb. Works like a charm for me and i lost ALOT of hair b4 someone from another hair board told me about the CoN.
I always start out with hair that is detangled (just before getting into the shower). I don't manipulate my hair much at all (concentrate on my scalp and keep my hair hanging down). Comb hair when hair is slathered with conditioner (while rinsing it out under the water stream).
To emphasize the above points, below is a link showing Robin Woods washing her hair in sections. Notice how she concentrates on her scalp, keeps her hair hanging down and how gently she handles it.

Shampooing Hair Robin's Way
I agree with the suggestions made. Product wise, LUST is the best detangling conditioner I've found too. (Loreal Unfrizz Smoothing Treatment). Do see if you can try it and see for yourself
I think I'm going to have to start shampooing in sections. Thanks for all the info.

Do the same rules apply when you're shampooing under the tub faucet (head upside down)?
I suffered this one big time this summer! I overcame though.
This is what I learned:

1. Make sure your hair is thoroughly combed before hitting the shower. No tangles and knots should already be in your hair.

2. When shampooing, massage the shampoo on your scalp and allow the suds to run down through your hair. You can gently manipulate your hair to get it sudsy, but do not massage your hair down to your scalp and don't massage in circular motions. This one is so hard to explain, but the reason it was always the way I was shampooing that was causing the nasty tangles and knots.

3. Keep your hair outwards when shampooing not tapered close to the scalp.

4. Lightly fingercomb your hair while the shampoo is in. Run your fingers through it to keep your tresses loose.

5. While rinsing, lightly finger comb your hair (or you can use a regular comb in your hair). This step makes it easier for me to comb my hair once I put the conditioner in.

I don't have to comb my hair with the conditioner in it, but sometimes I do that or fingercomb it to keep it tangle-free. But fingercomb or comb while the water runs through it because the force of the water helps keep tresses untangled a great deal.

When I began my hair regime, I had a lot of problems with tangling and knots (I was also going through postpartum shedding). I sectioned my hair into four sections and did a preshampoo treatment with Lekair cholestrol. I then rinsed and detangled. I washed with Creme of nautre ultra moisturing shampoo and this helped detangle even more. Then, after my deep conditioning, I detangled again if necssary but usually it was not. I also detangled under running water in the shower which also helped the detangling process go smoother.

Good Luck
i wash my hair bend over the tub. when my hair is still damp i pile it on top of my head and then take down one section, put my LUST serum on it and then comb it with my wide tooth comb. then i do that with the other three sections. that works best for me. if i tried to comb my whole hair it would be big mess.
I had the same problem as Miosy and now I use the same regime that she does. The Creme of Nature shampoo seems to detangle on contact, I use a wide tooth comb (I like my K-Cutter). I don't believe my hair is even breaking, I believe it's the natural shedding process. When your hair sheds, it's getting rid of the old hair and making room for the new hair.