tips on reading rhe bible.


Well-Known Member
Hi , i'm ready trul ready to get on a journey to learn my bible and start learning about God. I actually had some issues in my past that had me blaming God. my father dying, my uncle dying. i glad to say i have come to grips with these issues with Gods help. I am so grateful. God was there for me when my baby had heart surgery at 1 month. It was a horrible situation. but when i prayed and let God into my heart. i felt a calm. it was like everything will be ok. and it has been my baby is 4 yrs old and his heart docs have pushed him to seeing him every 2 yrs which i know is Gods work. Anyway i just want to learn and read the bible and what i need to do. So sorry if this has been posted before. Where do i start?

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Jkelly0204 said:
Hi , i'm ready trul ready to get on a journey to learn my bible and start learning about God. I actually had some issues in my past that had me blaming God. my father dying, my uncle dying. i glad to say i have come to grips with these issues with Gods help. I am so grateful. God was there for me when my baby had heart surgery at 1 month. It was a horrible situation. but when i prayed and let God into my heart. i felt a calm. it was like everything will be ok. and it has been my baby is 4 yrs old and his heart docs have pushed him to seeing him every 2 yrs which i know is Gods work. Anyway i just want to learn and read the bible and what i need to do. So sorry if this has been posted before. Where do i start?


Well, the bible is just like a book or a good movie in my opinion. So, when you watch a movie, you don't start in the middle or end, you start at the beginning.:)

Starting at the beginning helps you to fully understand the scripture which is one reason many people twist or don't understand the context of scripture since they jump around. That's like coming to the movie in the middle and then seeing something on screen and coming to your own conclusion cause' you haven't been there to see the beginning.

I used an extra school notebook and started with Genesis. Yes, the beginning girl!:lol: But before I would even open the bible, I prayed and said, "Lord God, please let me interpret your holy word by your holy spirit and not by my own human or womanly way of wanting to see things but by the way you want me to see and understand them. In Jesus name I pray." Even though I didn't know the whole bible, I did understand that scripture that speaks on ungodly people not understanding the things of God because they are foolish to him. I didn't want to be one of those people.

So, I started off reading one chapter each night and reflecting over the meaning of the scripture. Trying to spiritually comprehend it. Then if the Holy Spirit led me to read more, I would. I just took notes and put the heading, like, "Genesis 1:1".

P.S. Don't be suprised if your kids or someone starts interrupting you while you are reading. Even if they don't need anything. I did this to my mom one time when I was little while she was praying. I just kept calling her and she wouldn't answer me. I didn't even know why I was calling her and then when she finally answered, I didn't want anything. This was just a trick of the enemy so don't be distracted if you are praying or emersed in the word.