Tips for getting to shoulder length.


New Member
Does anyone have any tips for making it to shoulder length? I am currently at mouth length and I am so sick of it. It seems so slow, probably because the length is really obvious as it hangs in the middle of nowhere, ya know? Are there any tips that could help me to get to shoulder length? My long term goal is BSL but I'm now thinking I'd be happy with APL, or even SL at the moment!
Bump bump.
Is there anything that's important, especially for getting to shoulder length that I should know about?
I would say get a good routine going. Get some good products. Trim. Start off with shampooing and DC-ing once a week and see where you need to go from there. Moisturize morning and night. Be GENTLE detangling and styling. Get a good brush & comb. Cover your hair at night. Avoid heat.
Bump bump.
Is there anything that's important, especially for getting to shoulder length that I should know about?

Try your best to do rollersets and moisturize everyday. Stay away from heat as much as possible (flatirons and blowfrying). You'll be on your way. :grin:
I suggest keeping a very simple regimen and track your results every so often try something new and see how it works and document it. Tracking things like this will help pin-point if an issue ever comes up. I dont keep an online journal but I do have a notebook I use as a log ..keeps me motivated!
i suggest keeping your hair up. Its a very annoying length, when I was that length, I just moisturized my hair a lot, avoid heat, which i know is difficult to do at that length, you can try pin curls or other styles that don't put stress on your hair
I just reached shoulder length (barely, lol) about a month ago.

Just be patient, stay positive, be CONSISTENT with your regimen and don't trim often.

I could have been here waaaaaay sooner if I wasn't trimming 4 times a year. For someone with healthy hair, 1 or 2 trims a year (or none!) would be fine.

You only should trim very damaged hair often.

If your hair is in good shape and you have a good regimen, it's going to grow. You'll be there sooner than you think!

Right now I'm on auto pilot. My hair is nowhere close to where I want it to be, but I'm not going to stress on it because I know it's going to get there.